I think the Testing Associate job where he claimed to work on Fable was possibly a video game tester. The software test engineer though was allegedly on XBox Live so maybe? But I think he might have been doing something else. He claimed I was close. I think maybe they were investigating UGNazi hacking XBox Live accounts and he's taking personal credit for it or something. I don't know. I'm getting bored with it already. I'm no leet hax0r, just a sysadmin/network guy/blueteamer. I don't know shit about coding so when admin and the boys start talking about that shit it goes over my head. But I do know a little Infosec and from what I know this dude doesn't appear to have the resume of an SME on anything.I’m wondering if some of his “software test engineer” positions actually mean he was a video game tester. Years ago I had two roommates in LA that did this and was just playing video games and marking any mistakes. Sounds fun but pays shit.