Was Mr Deeds the last funny Adam Sandler movie?


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
"Vanilla Ice Banged Grandma!!?! that's Fucking Awesome!!! AHAHAHAHAH"
I felt like the movie got shit on more than it deserved. The Do Over was funny too, definitely went back to the 90s movies he did except just leaned into the R rating
Yeah I liked The Do Over too. That's My Boy got a lot of shit from critics who treated it unfairly due to all the offensive humor who if it had been anyone besides Sandler would've given it a pass

Feltch My Ass

Dan posting, it’s what’s for Dinner
That's My Boy got a lot of shit from critics who treated it unfairly due to all the offensive humor who if it had been anyone besides Sandler would've given it a pass

I feel like Sandler's humor is in a genre unto its self

Like a Mel brooks