Was Mr Deeds the last funny Adam Sandler movie?

CuntFucker .

Danny Doll Eyes
I wasn't sober when I watched it but I thought "Hubie Halloween" was pretty funny when Ray Liotta's brute retard character bullied Sandler's sweet retard character.


I wasn't sober when I watched it
you weren’t?
That’s pretty rad man
I usually try to sneak a lil bit of booze from my dad’s cabinet when i do matinee night here if I’m lucky.
What’s your poison fella?
Indian sewage water? Do you sneak your brown feet across the dirt floor into your mom’s room and gently fondle her breasts under that stupid rupee garment when you’re buzzed?
Incest is pretty sweet, bud.
You’re a trailblazer. You sober right now?
I bet not, you kind of rule.


Human garbage
You mean this wasn't funny?



CuntFucker .

Danny Doll Eyes
you weren’t?
That’s pretty rad man
I usually try to sneak a lil bit of booze from my dad’s cabinet when i do matinee night here if I’m lucky.
What’s your poison fella?
Indian sewage water? Do you sneak your brown feet across the dirt floor into your mom’s room and gently fondle her breasts under that stupid rupee garment when you’re buzzed?
Incest is pretty sweet, bud.
You’re a trailblazer. You sober right now?
I bet not, you kind of rule.
If I didn't know better, I'd think you might not like me.