Was looking at this faggots Madden take and spotted another faggot





This is a Twitter thing. Every time someone famous dies there's a bunch of faggots rushing to post something shitty about them so that they can go viral. Boomer rags like the NY Post always pick shit like this up as rage porn for their stupid readers, and the winner of the faggot lottery gains a bunch of followers.

Uncle Anthony Cumia

Hot tubs, guns and slack jawed brothers
I love this new tale that black athletes getting paid millions of dollars are slaves from the left. So I guess Brett Favre isn’t a slave, despite all those hits he took?

There’s a vocal few (generally guys who suck like Kaepernick) that push this agenda in the league. Most of these guys don’t give a fuck because they’re getting paid, or kiss the ass of white liberals so they can keep making money without being cancelled. I guarantee you 99.9% of black athletes making more than $5m a year don’t consider themselves slaves in reality.

Even black athletes who claim to be Democrats in public to save face aren’t in private. The 2008 Red Sox did an internal poll, of the 21 guys on the roster that had Citizen and voting privileges, 20 voted for McCain, and Gabe Kapler a Jew voted for Obama. Out of the 20 that voted for McCain, 9 were black or Latino.


Stand Alone Fruit
These liberal types all shit on football players for years as big dumb bullies that get undeserved free rides in college and become millionaires playing a child’s sport that also beat their wives and girlfriends. That was until Trump didn’t like Kaep (who did that kneeling shit for attention, before that he just sat on the bench for the anthem because he had a temper tantrum over being benched) then liberals did a 180 and claimed NFL players are the smartest and very woke and can not be critiqued. Now they act like it’s slavery to pick the best players for your team and pay them more so they sign for your team.