Wall Street Pat prediction for April 8, 2024


Fat bitch with faggot tits
I have a usb stick with 3 BTC on it I bought as a lark. Which is to say I HAD a usb stick that I fawkin lost. Bought for like fifty cents
I know (knew) a guy who was a super super early bitcoin adopter and miner and silk road enjoyer who killed himself over 15 grand of coke debt before the price skyrocketed. There's still a good chance he would have pissed it all away before it really took off, but he had a lot of bitcoin and somewhere out there is a hard drive worth a truly disgustingly obscene amount of money that's probably still in the possession of one mighty pissed off ex girlfriend.


He's big and fat, he's Patrick Tomlinson
How does a fawkin brotherman get in on some of those preferred shares? I've been doin it since 2017 sniff


Dan Mullen touched my PP at The Galway Pub
I'm honestly kind of impressed that he memorized some of the terminology such that he can pretend like he understands the surface level dynamics of what he's talking about.

+1 for Patrick IMO.
Only because he watched the Pedowood slop about the GameStop squeeze, "Dumb Money"
He's never looked any of this shit up organically


Fat bitch with faggot tits
@AliceWorquer if it's Windows XP or 7 the hard drive wouldn't even be encrypted, by default anyway...

Edit: have a lawyer approach them and make them sign an agreement that guarantees you get a cut in exchange for filling them in, a lawyer makes it seem more official so they'd listen and if, by yourself, you tell them up front "yeah you're sitting on $ and my non-techie ass wants half" they'll ignore you after assuming you're just an old drug buddy. I'm assuming this is someone you knew IRL and not some random poster on the internet. It all sounds uncouth but they could probably use the money anyway.
His girlfriend was a friend of an ex so I haven't seen her in years and they were both absolute trash so I wouldn't have gotten involved even if I wanted to. She is a BPD lunatic and they both hated eachother really so its probably a good thing she didnt benefit. If the what-ifs haven't completely ruined her the money would have. Im sure she was another big factor in his suicide. All his shit was encrypted because he was a paranoid autistic coked up nerd and like I say if he lived (or if she had access to it early on) it probably would have been pissed away on coke and bullshit anyway. He came from money so its not like his family struggled financially. The irony is that its probably only still valuable precisely because they specifically weren't able to use it, its just a great example of the universe being a hilarious bastard and makes me wonder how much wealth is just fucking lost to shit like that.
I'm just remembering what a weird asshole he was. First time I met him we went to dinner at their place and he pulled out a bunch of those little puzzles that are just metal rings all twisted together, or cubes you have to put in order. Things you would get a smart 12 year old for christmas. He acted like it would just be a fun thing to do, but then he started timing me, apparently because he thought all his GFs friends and acquaintances were retards and he liked to try and shit test people's s intelligence to determine whether or not they were worth talking to. Then he got visibly annoyed because I untwisted one of his stupid fucking ring puzzles quicker than he clearly thought I would be able to. He was just an autistic dickhead.


I know (knew) a guy who was a super super early bitcoin adopter and miner and silk road enjoyer who killed himself over 15 grand of coke debt before the price skyrocketed. There's still a good chance he would have pissed it all away before it really took off, but he had a lot of bitcoin and somewhere out there is a hard drive worth a truly disgustingly obscene amount of money that's probably still in the possession of one mighty pissed off ex girlfriend.
I have a friend who bought a bunch of dogecoin back in 2011 as a goof. He had it on a hard drive and threw away the computer. When he checked the value back 2-3 years ago, he found out he had thrown away about $150,000.