Very disheartening

Serious Business

Hooli's for me forever, sta‎lker. Never for you.
Not all gay men are athletic, clean, and dress well.

Will Tate

Oven March
Write a spy political intrique/spy thriller novel about whatever fantasy version of Trump exists in your bloated head, shitheel, I'll pay good money to read that.

Send him this next and ask if it's photoshopped.

handjob pat.jpg

2. I’m more certain than ever that much of his outrageous attention-seeking behavior is driven by the fear of being outed as gay.

Search "Helping Out a Straight Friend" on xhamster and you'll see that ship has sailed.


I was only jokin'
His histrionic pearl-clutching over political soap opera bullshit is just embarrassing. The fake "Go ahead and unfollow me. I don't even care!" front he's trying to put up, followed by a 6 tweet temper tantrum is also nauseating and gay. We all enjoy validation to some degree, but to be so desperate for the approval of others to the point that you can't stand one instance of disagreement or crticism is truly the mark of a weak, fat man.

