Update on the Reddit battalions in Ukraine.

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!
I thought they said that first one was just some guy in cali trying to stir up shit.
The guy in the first vid? fuck knows, apparently there are videos and photos of him with foreign volunteers in Ukraine from a few days back. Reddit keeps taking his videos down and there are people doing damage control in the comments.

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!


Okay, maybe I'm an idiot or just not in on the bit, but is this for real? Did these morons actually go to Ukraine, or are they just making videos in their community college cafeterias pretending they're in Red Dawn for reddit clout?
I think they went expecting to be lil ghosts of kiev pew pewing Russian jets like a game of Duck Hunt.

America is long due for a cleansing of our weak soft retarded population. Hoping that Deagel guy is right. It can't possibly get any worse/dumb.


I mentioned this before but as a foreign volunteer you are not "eligible" to be considered a POW if you were somehow captured by Russian troops. You're considered a mercenary.

You'd immediately be sent to Russia and put to trial and without a doubt be found guilty.

I would jerk off for days if this were to ever happen to some Reddit fag.


Are you all sure these are real? Making a video would be the last thing on your mind if You were stuck in a war zone the. and they just so happen to have internet?

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!
Are you all sure these are real? Making a video would be the last thing on your mind if You were stuck in a war zone the. and they just so happen to have internet?

I’m pretty sure the guy in the video was in Ukraine a matter of days ago, here’s an article about him going over and also comments added in about him having ties to the “Boogaloo Bois” because antifa faggots on Twitter have a hard on for him apparently.

There was also supposed to be videos of him over there on his Tiktok before it got taken down. I’m pretty convinced he was in Ukraine. But I obviously can’t say for sure that his claims are true.


I followed the 2014 conflict obsessively, so I knew Ukraine was beyond fucked, but also that the people of western Ukraine are very nationalistic and would put up an honorable fight.

With that said...When it comes to Ukrainian military resources it's every fighting group/company for themselves, so I knew the foreign fighters going there would be shit out of luck when it came to gear and supplies. There's a reason they're pretty much telling the idiots to go and get shot right away or give us your gear/kit and gtfo.