Twitter is full of pathetic herbs


Culturally responsive? lol. What happened to the melting pot you fucking Kike? Are younger kids now generally legally retarded? They need to have their teachers breakdown learning to the lowest common denominator? The teacher is a huge faggot and he's not making an impact as I would wager most if his students secretly think he's a clown and a pedo.


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
Culturally responsive? lol. What happened to the melting pot you fucking Kike? Are younger kids now generally legally retarded? They need to have their teachers breakdown learning to the lowest common denominator? The teacher is a huge faggot and he's not making an impact as I would wager most if his students secretly think he's a clown and a pedo.
teacher got a student's intestines hurtin TUH DAY

Uncle Anthony Cumia

Hot tubs, guns and slack jawed brothers
Sam if you're lurking here you should know that Patrick 100% knew you would receive this blowback when he quote tweeted you. He could've DMed you a Thank You and tweeted out a "Report &Block" tweet without involving you but instead made sure to directly involve you. You're considered acceptable collateral damage for a piece of shit like Pat because it validates his own victimhood.

You're a pawn in a pig man's pissing match, Sam. He wanted this to happen, Sam. He's not your friend, Sam.
Patrick has no friends, if he was an ice cream flavor, he would be Pralines and Dick