TV Adverts that remind you of being young


My name's Henry. And you're here with me now
EVERYONE would drop EVERYTHING to watch EK's dumb jumps. Entertainment was much more communal back then, options were far more limited so everyone watched the same shit at the same time. He'd do a jump on "ABC's Wide World Of Sports" and you'd sit there waiting and waiting all afternoon to see him jump fourteen buses or whatever. Even my grandparents would watch that shit.

I remember there were a few imitators, none of whom really caught on. There was some asshole named Super Joe, another guy (Bob Gill maybe) who got paralyzed trying to jump a lake, and there was a girl, Debbie something.
Yep, and it was before any type of pay per view shit, Evel always had others that would try to top him but it never worked out, they had Joey Chitwood car shows, wide world of sports was interesting they would have shit from around the world never heard of, I remember barrel jumping while on ice skates, demolition derbies, motorcycle racing on ice, safety issues were about number eight on concern list back then