Tsss this guy's good


You Wouldn't Understand...



Knee Deep in the Hoopla
You Wouldn't Understand...

Holding a mirror up to society is a thankless job. (gets into Bentley and drives away from Hollywood awards show)

Didn't he steal that "Asshole" song from Louis CK or someone?
Yes, but it was Louis CK who said it, so that's questionable. Louis said it was because he wrote a bit where he said a lot of the things he did made him an asshole, and Louis would say "I'm an asshole", and that Leary took that line and wrote a whole song about it therefore he stole it.

Single Action Army

We ain't goon hooligans we Maloonigans
I don't like any of these guys anymore. Leary, Carlin, Hicks (never liked him to begin with) just cynical, jaded, negative assholes who used reductivism to spread their anger to everyone else to make it seem justified.

The question is if they were never good or if their style of comedy made more sense for the time.


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
Yes, but it was Louis CK who said it, so that's questionable. Louis said it was because he wrote a bit where he said a lot of the things he did made him an asshole, and Louis would say "I'm an asshole", and that Leary took that line and wrote a whole song about it therefore he stole it.
Louis claimed that Leary gave him a bunch of money to make Pooty Tang without asking for anything in return. He viewed that as an apology.


I've watched both No Cure for Cancer and Douchebag and Donuts. Both are some of the worst stand up specials I've ever seen for different reasons. Leary blows, but he's not a horrible actor at least.
I believe on No Cure for Cancer he stole jokes from Bill Hicks verbatim but I’m not sure. He’s such a cunt that I’d never watch any stupid shit he’s in. That firefighter show must be awful.