Trying to publicly shame Cloudflare into shutting us down is a sign his lawsuit is going well, right?


Not on welfare
He reminds me of Eric the Midget (another entitled cunt who never could get a blue check on Twitter, either).

People would troll the fuck out of him with over the top shit - him killing JFK, his parents born the same year as him, being a turkey - and he'd go absolutely autistic apeshit.
Go fuck your self you stupid piece of shit, I am not an uncooked turkey.

Oh fuck you you dumb fuck, I did not kill JFK. I haven't even been to Dallas.


Don't forget about Officer Nigger contacting him lmao

Lmfao this is my first time seeing this. I can tell this one is not super recent because he is no longer doing the "Quietly now" shit.


Stand Alone Fruit
He reminds me of Eric the Midget (another entitled cunt who never could get a blue check on Twitter, either).

People would troll the fuck out of him with over the top shit - him killing JFK, his parents born the same year as him, being a turkey - and he'd go absolutely autistic apeshit.
It’s funny how much Eric The Midget and Pat are alike. You could tweet the craziest claim to Eric like you heard he was planning to steal Christmas, he burned down the rainforest, he was skiing in the alps, etc and he would respond to “correct the record” like a certain pig we know. We’ve gotten Pat to actually respond to claims of him having HIV and if someone farted in his wife’s vagina. Fucking Ponderus


Nice For Here
For a guy who pretends he has zero sense of humor about himself. Comedians are pretty much all self deprecating to a degree and have no issue making fun of themselves. Well balanced people don’t take themselves too seriously because nobody is perfect and it’s human to have flaws. Pat however is so deranged with his extreme psycho level narcissism that he can’t EVER let himself be the joke, he believes he is perfect, never wrong, not losing his hair, not getting fat, and the smartest man alive. Even when his friend had that arrow shirt pointing with “he likes it in the ass” Patrick couldn’t take a picture with the arrow pointing at him. Nothing about him can ever be made light of which is why he’s a miserable cunt.

In the Stand-Up Comedy update I'm finally going to add to the KF thread once this court shit blows over, I'm going to contrast Plaintiff with other stand-up comedians, one of them being Louis Anderson, who overcame a terrible early life full of abuse, unlike Mother Raven's perfect special popular boy.

(he smashes Johnny Carson's ribs at 2:17)
For a guy who pretends he has zero sense of humor about himself. Comedians are pretty much all self deprecating to a degree and have no issue making fun of themselves. Well balanced people don’t take themselves too seriously because nobody is perfect and it’s human to have flaws. Pat however is so deranged with his extreme psycho level narcissism that he can’t EVER let himself be the joke, he believes he is perfect, never wrong, not losing his hair, not getting fat, and the smartest man alive. Even when his friend had that arrow shirt pointing with “he likes it in the ass” Patrick couldn’t take a picture with the arrow pointing at him. Nothing about him can ever be made light of which is why he’s a miserable cunt.

His "sense of humor" is entirely wrapped around his pathetic superiority complex. Every "joke" from his novels or tweets is exactly that same formula:

1. Dumb person says something dumb ("money is green because dey make it from grass!")

2. Smart person (either Patrick himself or the Patrick-insert character) rolls their eyes, sighs deeply. Can you BELIEVE these idiots I have to deal with?

But that's the difference between reality and television - television often relies on a character playing the designated idiot. Homer Simpson, Peter Griffin, Joey Tribbiani, Kelso, Taco, Ricky, Charlie Kelly. But the reality is there are few people that are that absurdly dumb, unless they're legitimately retarded. I've been doing fantasy football since the mid-00s and never came across a stupid idiot who doesn't understand the game and drafts 5 kickers.

That's why he's incapable of healthy, spirited debate. There must always be a smart person and a dumb person, and he's always the smart person. His fragile little mind immediately goes to "fuck, you're dumb" "I'm sorry you're stupid, I can't help you" "I already explained that". We all have dumb moments, but Patrick is absolutely undefeated in his own mind.


Stand Alone Fruit
His "sense of humor" is entirely wrapped around his pathetic superiority complex. Every "joke" from his novels or tweets is exactly that same formula:

1. Dumb person says something dumb ("money is green because dey make it from grass!")

2. Smart person (either Patrick himself or the Patrick-insert character) rolls their eyes, sighs deeply. Can you BELIEVE these idiots I have to deal with?

But that's the difference between reality and television - television often relies on a character playing the designated idiot. Homer Simpson, Peter Griffin, Joey Tribbiani, Kelso, Taco, Ricky, Charlie Kelly. But the reality is there are few people that are that absurdly dumb, unless they're legitimately retarded. I've been doing fantasy football since the mid-00s and never came across a stupid idiot who doesn't understand the game and drafts 5 kickers.

That's why he's incapable of healthy, spirited debate. There must always be a smart person and a dumb person, and he's always the smart person. His fragile little mind immediately goes to "fuck, you're dumb" "I'm sorry you're stupid, I can't help you" "I already explained that". We all have dumb moments, but Patrick is absolutely undefeated in his own mind.
That’s what makes him such a psycho, everything is “I’m smart and always right and everyone I don’t agree with is stupid and wrong” the fact that he can’t even take a light joke from his one friend who remarked about how they’re getting older and hairline moving Pat HAD to ruin the moment with “my hairline hasn’t moved in 20 years” like a weirdo. Pretty much all men his age are a little overweight, not as active as they used to be but can say “yeah, I’m getting old haha” or “yeah, not as thin as I used to be, that’s life!” But not Pat, he’s in incredible shape and not fat and is not aging poorly in any sense of the word. He must be exhausting to be around with his know it all attitude and lack of self awareness. Just look at how Niki has aged having to be around the fat man with the undeserved ego.


What would you do for a Klondike bar?
Surely he’s tweeting at cloudflare because his lawsuit it going exceedingly well. Right?
I was watching the video of his California case and the judge patiently explained to Fatty's peeled-egg looking lawyer (again with the food?) after a written submission and a 30 minute discussion that his case had to be built on evidence.

That's got to be a good sign!
That’s what makes him such a psycho, everything is “I’m smart and always right and everyone I don’t agree with is stupid and wrong” the fact that he can’t even take a light joke from his one friend who remarked about how they’re getting older and hairline moving Pat HAD to ruin the moment with “my hairline hasn’t moved in 20 years” like a weirdo. Pretty much all men his age are a little overweight, not as active as they used to be but can say “yeah, I’m getting old haha” or “yeah, not as thin as I used to be, that’s life!” But not Pat, he’s in incredible shape and not fat and is not aging poorly in any sense of the word. He must be exhausting to be around with his know it all attitude and lack of self awareness. Just look at how Niki has aged having to be around the fat man with the undeserved ego.

Like we've all seen Jeopardy, right? The host (RIP Alex) reads the categories to start the round and you get excited when it's a category you have knowledge in (Pop Music of the 90s? Yay!) But then the next category is 17th Century French Literature and you don't know jack shit about what the French were writing. Then some bearded professor type aces the French Literature category but doesn't know who sang Hit Me Baby One More Time.

But Patrick NEEDS to be an expert on literally every subject. When it's made clear he only has a rudimentary understanding of the topic (aka he read one lefty-leaning article about it), he turtles into his "fuck, you're dumb" defense mechanism. Never once yielding respect to someone who knows more about the topic.

There's this netflix documentary about Formula 1 that I've been enjoying having never followed the sport, but I've picked up enough information to have a casual understanding. Put me in a room with 3 other guys who live and breathe F1, I'm gonna be completely out of my element. Haha yeah Lewis Hamilton is pretty fast, am I right fellas? He drives for the Mercedes team! I feel zero sense of shame or embarrassment for having limited knowledge in this topic, because I don't feel the need to "fight" against the diehard F1 fans and "prove" I'm "smarter" than them.


In the Stand-Up Comedy update I'm finally going to add to the KF thread once this court shit blows over, I'm going to contrast Plaintiff with other stand-up comedians, one of them being Louis Anderson, who overcame a terrible early life full of abuse, unlike Mother Raven's perfect special popular boy.

(he smashes Johnny Carson's ribs at 2:17)

Louis is supposed to be comically fat in this clip, but he is probably 20 pounds lighter than Pat.