Trying to publicly shame Cloudflare into shutting us down is a sign his lawsuit is going well, right?


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
As a political moderate, I'd like to state the following:

I don't like when Conservatives seem to want to control what you do, but I REALLY don't like when Liberals play victim to shame people into getting what they want.

You former, go after the real law breakers and leave the rest alone. You latters, grow some fucking balls and actually TRY to win your arguments/work for what you want.

How do you guys over there stand this shit? There's more like him.


Funny how that “Swatting”, identity theft, (FBI, Child!) Suicide Demands (not a thing) Police Impersonation (forgot that one, I think someone crank called him and said they were officer Dennis falcone and Pat was under arrest for being fat) claims aren’t in lol suit. Probably because they didn’t happen and fatso has zero proof of his insane claims. What a fat idiot!
Don't forget about Officer Nigger contacting him lmao



What would you do for a Klondike bar?
You're currently hosting and shielding the owner/administrator of a webforum specifically and exclusively dedicated to the coordination, execution, and celebration of a three year long targeted harassment and terrorism campaign against my family.

Can someone point me at that forum? Because this "Opie and Anthony" forum seems a little non-specific for my liking.


Holy shit

holy shit

this is the first evidence I’ve ever seen that Patso can change
He read the forum, the last one, because I'd bait him and he'd say something that I only said on the posts I made. He can't read them anymore so he won't generate content, he can't see. He thinks he was making evidence via entrapment, serving ribs he won't do.
All faked. Rambling nonsense. Never a screenshot.
Numerous screen shots, we went down this road. Again, paranoia is very faggy.


Stand Alone Fruit
He's astoundingly humorless, not just for a guy who pretends to be a comedian.
For a guy who pretends he has zero sense of humor about himself. Comedians are pretty much all self deprecating to a degree and have no issue making fun of themselves. Well balanced people don’t take themselves too seriously because nobody is perfect and it’s human to have flaws. Pat however is so deranged with his extreme psycho level narcissism that he can’t EVER let himself be the joke, he believes he is perfect, never wrong, not losing his hair, not getting fat, and the smartest man alive. Even when his friend had that arrow shirt pointing with “he likes it in the ass” Patrick couldn’t take a picture with the arrow pointing at him. Nothing about him can ever be made light of which is why he’s a miserable cunt.


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
He reminds me of Eric the Midget (another entitled cunt who never could get a blue check on Twitter, either).

People would troll the fuck out of him with over the top shit - him killing JFK, his parents born the same year as him, being a turkey - and he'd go absolutely autistic apeshit.

One of my favorite ever lines from Artie was when he was arguing with Eric the Midget one time and Howard asked the little ankle biter what his birthday was and he said 11th March and Artie chimed in with 'Your parents refer to that day as 3/11, I bet'.

Still makes me laugh so hard when I think of that.