Trying to publicly shame Cloudflare into shutting us down is a sign his lawsuit is going well, right?


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
On a related note - Patty keep bragging on Twitter about how KiwiFarms have lost their domain registrar like it means the end of the site but it's absolutely inconsequential. Null still owns and there are multiple back up domains.

All it means is he needs to move to another registrar at some point. The site is up and running, the same as ever. You can read about it here if you're interested -

Hi piggy. u mad? 🐷


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
On a related note - Patty keep bragging on Twitter about how KiwiFarms have lost their domain registrar like it means the end of the site but it's absolutely inconsequential. Null still owns and there are multiple back up domains.

All it means is he needs to move to another registrar.

Hi piggy 🐷
I’m sure a retraction or, at least, a clarification, will be immediately forthcoming. Pat isn’t the type of fat imbecile who says what he wants to be true and never admits when it isn’t the way he insisted.


Stand Alone Fruit
Funny how that “Swatting”, identity theft, (FBI, Child!) Suicide Demands (not a thing) Police Impersonation (forgot that one, I think someone crank called him and said they were officer Dennis falcone and Pat was under arrest for being fat) claims aren’t in lol suit. Probably because they didn’t happen and fatso has zero proof of his insane claims. What a fat idiot!