True detective season 1 thread


Yes. I had cyber sex sessions with Leslie.
Yes there was an elite group. They were not murderers though. They were powerful men who took a lot of wives and had affairs. And one of them it was implied took virgin women because he "only had them the one time" as the old black woman put it. The Tuttle who took the virgin women ended up having one of them, his grandson, grow up to be a serial killer. This shamed the main Tuttle family that one of their branch houses produced this monster. That the sins of their ancestor were visiting them. But they knew that there were no official connections from Tuttle to Errol Childress so at first they ignored it rather than get involved at all which would raise suspicions.
It was heavily implied that Gov Tuttle was killed after Rustin got the evidence from his safe. And maybe the elites weren't sadistic murderers like Errol was, but at best they were into Epstein Island type of shit. I've always gathered that Errol's crimes were a ratcheted up recreation of what he's seen. I'm going back to my original point that there's a larger conspiracy than Errol being a loon with his meth bros in the big picture. He has 2 direct relatives part of the original cult that were a governor and a senator and they obviously weren't just doing their business alone.

Harry Powell

Bruce is more helpful to Defendants than Plaintiff
It was heavily implied that Gov Tuttle was killed after Rustin got the evidence from his safe. And maybe the elites weren't sadistic murderers like Errol was, but at best they were into Epstein Island type of shit. I've always gathered that Errol's crimes were a ratcheted up recreation of what he's seen. I'm going back to my original point that there's a larger conspiracy than Errol being a loon with his meth bros in the big picture. He has 2 direct relatives part of the original cult that were a governor and a senator and they obviously weren't just doing their business alone.
@LingerLonger says Errol sent the tape to Rust.

I thought Rust stole it from a safe in Tuttle’s mansion in the scene where he’s dressed up like a ninja and entering the house.


Still spreading the O&A virus
@LingerLonger says Errol sent the tape to Rust.

I thought Rust stole it from a safe in Tuttle’s mansion in the scene where he’s dressed up like a ninja and entering the house.
Errol sent it to Tuttle not Rust. Tuttle kept it in his safe. Either out of morbid curiosity or for evidence in case he somehow got involved in the case officially. I always assumed that was another reference to a movie, something that Nick Pizz liked to do to too often. This time 8MM where the guy has the snuff film in his safe and his wife finds it after his death.

That tape was made by Errol and Reggie and his meth friends. And sent to Tuttle like a serial killer manifesto but this one was private for the Tuttle/Childress family. It is implied that Tuttle killed himself with pills, but his political connections have the media report it as an accident. The detectives think that Rust may have murdered him but almost assuredly there are references to suicide on the show and Tuttle is most likely an actual suicide when he realizes that the tape he kept might be passed to the news media.

Media covering up stuff for politicians is another huge theme in the True Detective shows. Each season has some sort of media storyline in it.


Couple things. The governor and later Senator Edwin Tuttle is never seen. Only referenced. The character on the show is his cousin, Reverend Billy Lee Tuttle. He runs the schools where Errol, Reggie, and whoever else got kids from sometimes. Rust finds the tape in Billy Lee's safe, and it is implied that the people on the tape killed him. Also, it is implied that the Tuttles had some inkling of what was happening, because the cop who helps cover up Marie Fontenot's disappearance is Sheriff Ted Childress, another Tuttle bastard child.


Yes. I had cyber sex sessions with Leslie.
It was his father that he was keeping alive and torturing. Probably a reference to the air freshener guy who was kept alive in Se7en. Who was kept alive chained to a bed. I assume his father was on an IV drip to be kept alive but I will have to rewatch that scene to see.

He had a hole in his stomach for a feeding tube. There was a mention that he hadn't renewed his business license and sort of fell off the face of the earth in 2004. When Marty and Rust found him it was 2012, so Errol kept him captive for 8 years