
Blackface Killah
On the other side of the coin, a good friend of mine is gay. He doesn't agree with trannies, doesn't like LGBTQ bullshit, and thinks pride parades are embarrassing. He's just a gay guy who wants to live his life without waving a rainbow flag and making his sexuality define him as a person, but he can't avoid it. Because he's overtly gay, people immediately assume his politics and treat him accordingly. When I see the shit posted here, I feel bad for the guy. The world got so wrapped up in accepting gays as gays that everyone forgot to just accept them as people like anyone else.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
On the other side of the coin, a good friend of mine is gay. He doesn't agree with trannies, doesn't like LGBTQ bullshit, and thinks pride parades are embarrassing. He's just a gay guy who wants to live his life without waving a rainbow flag and making his sexuality define him as a person, but he can't avoid it. Because he's overtly gay, people immediately assume his politics and treat him accordingly. When I see the shit posted here, I feel bad for the guy. The world got so wrapped up in accepting gays as gays that everyone forgot to just accept them as people like anyone else.
My guess is that your friend does not loudly speak out against the "T" or pedophilia/child grooming that happens.

Same as how most blacks knew OJ did it but wanted him acquitted. Or Trayvon or whomever. Very few blacks were like "yeah I think he did it and he should get a fair trial and be convicted according to the law of the land."

So your friend is going to continually be lumped in because not enough people in the group will ever go against it. This applies to nearly all groups, except Whites. You can be anti-White and other Whites just look down to the ground.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
This one made me gasp.


Turry Fawks

Good evening cowards
On the other side of the coin, a good friend of mine is gay. He doesn't agree with trannies, doesn't like LGBTQ bullshit, and thinks pride parades are embarrassing. He's just a gay guy who wants to live his life without waving a rainbow flag and making his sexuality define him as a person, but he can't avoid it. Because he's overtly gay, people immediately assume his politics and treat him accordingly. When I see the shit posted here, I feel bad for the guy. The world got so wrapped up in accepting gays as gays that everyone forgot to just accept them as people like anyone else.
And that friend is you, right?


On the other side of the coin, a good friend of mine is gay. He doesn't agree with trannies, doesn't like LGBTQ bullshit, and thinks pride parades are embarrassing. He's just a gay guy who wants to live his life without waving a rainbow flag and making his sexuality define him as a person, but he can't avoid it. Because he's overtly gay, people immediately assume his politics and treat him accordingly. When I see the shit posted here, I feel bad for the guy. The world got so wrapped up in accepting gays as gays that everyone forgot to just accept them as people like anyone else.
I've had a friend for twenty years now that's a full-on lesbian and all of the gay people that I know through her say that the transgender community is the albatross that hangs around the neck of the rest of the community, but everyone is afraid to speak out because the fear ostracization or even violent reprisal. They just have to shut up and go with the crazy trannies.
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Rookie numbers. Let’s get them up!

View attachment 183219
Ok but how many times during the three months previous to that? If "faggot" is making a comeback then maybe the pendulum really is swingin' back the otherrr waaaaay.

How far will it swing in the other direction though? The last swing normalized men in dresses so maybe public hangings will come back in vogue. Speculate, speculate.