To me, the people who dislike 'The Wire' are kind of faggy!


"... radio's most notorious shock jock."
Marlo fucking stunk. No person would follow someone as he was gaining power if that person had zero charisma. Real life drug dealers are people you want be around they're fun they know how to talk they aren't scary. They're not some nigger terminator.
My exact problem with Uncle Junior. Even if he was just a "lightning rod" boss for the organization, the way he went about it was too sloppy and heavy handed. Mob bosses are proud and shrewd, yes, but they have to be perceptive and have to possess an ability to read the room, so even when they are proud senile assholes they just don't come raining down on their newly acquired underlings to blatantly bleed them dry and spit on their faces. That crew would have diluted and/or flipped completely withing the first few months of Junior taking over.

Mind you, Dominic Chianese is mightily talented. And leagues ahead of Jamie "The Plank" Hector.
My exact problem with Uncle Junior. Even if he was just a "lightning rod" boss for the organization, the way he went about it was too sloppy and heavy handed. Mob bosses are proud and shrewd, yes, but they have to be perceptive and have to possess an ability to read the room, so even when they are proud senile assholes they just don't come raining down on their newly acquired underlings to blatantly bleed them dry and spit on their faces. That crew would have diluted and/or flipped completely withing the first few months of Junior taking over.

Mind you, Dominic Chianese is mightily talented. And leagues ahead of Jamie "The Plank" Hector.
I give the sopranos much more leeway because it's supposed to be a comedy drama but of course. I mean Tony going to a shrink would have got him wacked by his crew in season 1


Great food
A lot to unpack in this thread.

I'm still dumbfounded with that flip Lester did in season 5. He was always wise, meticulous and balanced when taking risks in previous seasons, then decides to get behind the sloppiest scheme in policing history. All spearheaded by Jimmy, a man lester reprehended several times for taking shortcuts around proper police work and overindulging on his hunches.
I've always felt Lester/Kima/McNulty are variations of the same character. Natural Po-lice with the intelligence and smarts to put down any case. McNulty however will take it to the extreme, including well over the line to 'win' his case. Kima has her boundaries in what she will or won't accept for the sake of the job. She took a bullet, but was compelled to spill the beans on McNulty. Lester falling somewhere in the middle, familiar with the politics and BS in the department that pushed him to and over his limits. Jimmy always felt comfortable going there, Lester was fed up and needed the push.

The Wire is a fantastic show, every bit as good as Sopranos and The Shield. Like @Guinness525 said elsewhere, Boardwalk I thought was middling and while I watched and enjoyed it, not worth a rewatch. I didn't even make it through two seasons of Deadwood, it bored me so.


Still spreading the O&A virus
Where we at with deadwood?
Extremely overrated. It is written like some 13-year-old edgelord got out his coloring books and made a Western. Watch a movie like Open Range if you want to see a real grounded Western film made for adults. Here is the average dialog from Deadwood: "Hey cunt shit fuck! Holy shit fuck cunt cock piss! I need to fucking take a piss, you cunt! My fucking horse just took a shit!". And so on.

Like if you told me that Deadwood was a parody of Westerns I would have not even questioned it based on the dialog.
The Wire is a fantastic show, every bit as good as Sopranos and The Shield. Like @Guinness525 said elsewhere, Boardwalk I thought was middling and while I watched and enjoyed it, not worth a rewatch. I didn't even make it through two seasons of Deadwood, it bored me so.
If Boardwalk Empire had full seasons at the end it would be a masterpiece. But HBO is notoriously cheap. Even a money printing machine like Game of Thrones was basically canceled by HBO though. The original HBO drama OZ also had the executives refuse to pay for the original ending. The original ending was a flood causing damage to the local area and the prisoners being summoned by the National Guard to help make sandbag barricades. And HBO said that that was too much money and just to end OZ without shooting outside of the prison sets.

Boardwalk Empire is just hugely wasted potential. To go from the Scorsese movie of the first episode to basically an afterthought for HBO was just tragic.
Extremely overrated. It is written like some 13-year-old edgelord got out his coloring books and made a Western. Watch a movie like Open Range if you want to see a real grounded Western film made for adults. Here is the average dialog from Deadwood: "Hey cunt shit fuck! Holy shit fuck cunt cock piss! I need to fucking take a piss, you cunt! My fucking horse just took a shit!". And so on.

Like if you told me that Deadwood was a parody of Westerns I would have not even questioned it based on the dialog.

If Boardwalk Empire had full seasons at the end it would be a masterpiece. But HBO is notoriously cheap. Even a money printing machine like Game of Thrones was basically canceled by HBO though. The original HBO drama OZ also had the executives refuse to pay for the original ending. The original ending was a flood causing damage to the local area and the prisoners being summoned by the National Guard to help make sandbag barricades. And HBO said that that was too much money and just to end OZ without shooting outside of the prison sets.

Boardwalk Empire is just hugely wasted potential. To go from the Scorsese movie of the first episode to basically an afterthought for HBO was just tragic.
"BE" really does kind of peter out there near the end. Great show, though. I didn't think I'd get into it, as I sometimes dislike period pieces, but I really enjoyed it. Same was true of "Mad Men". I thought it'd be kind of gay but it was actually excellent.

"Oz" pretty much became a parody of itself a few seasons in, but it was still a really fun show. I did always wonder about that obviously cheap, low-budget ending, though.