First of all, it's spelled "oi." "Oy" is Yiddish, as in "oy vey."
The forced "cockney" bad grammar and abbreviation is simultaneously over-the-top, anachronistic and just inaccurate.
The writing itself is horribly disjointed. You have to reread several of the sentences just to attempt to understand what he's trying to say. I wasn't always successful in this.
Sawdust doesn't "drizzle."
I don't think either "cock" or "bugger" would have been used as single word expletives in 19th century London. As a noun and verb respectively, sure. Either way, it doesn't ring true, at least not to this Londoner who's read most of Dickens' novels.
Do hands "spear?" Again, clumsy choice of words.
"Vise" is the American spelling of vice. Fat is nothing if not inconsistent.
"Bagful of turnips?" Surely "sackful" would better convey the heft associated with a human body.
There are so many other mistakes to point out in just that short excerpt, but it's too painful to read any more.