
Turk February

Our experiences exceed yours.
I can't believe you're amalgamating my name and Patrick Tomlinson's name. My name isn't Abe Tomlingoda or Abe Vigodalinson. My name is Abe "Nitro" Vigoda. You know that's my name.
They call you Nitro cuz you huff nitrous oxide out of spray cheese cans alone curled up on a love seat watching Hey Arthur on DVD to avoid dealing with the real world

edit : as Abe has correctly pointed out, I did mean Hey Arnold*

HH Brother

I wanna fuck you up the ass, funster.
I got the hat! :lwjxnwp:



and her hair smells like red froot loops
You know, Abe Vigoda was a 20-something Jewish kid from Brooklyn when he decided to enlist in the army and fight Nazis in WW2. After brutally slaughtering hundreds of Nazis (I assume) he went to acting school on the GI Bill, and the rest is history. While many would consider him an American hero, the people on 4chan I trust say he's a duplicitous kike traitor so that's that.


They call you Nitro cuz you huff nitrous oxide out of spray cheese cans alone curled up on a love seat watching Hey Arthur on DVD to avoid dealing with the real world

edit : as Abe has correctly pointed out, I did mean Hey Arnold*
Fucker beat me to it but my joke was it couldn't be Nitrous Oxide because that's laughing gas and he isn't making anyone laugh. FUCK!