The vaccine is killing 1 in 1000 who took it currently. It’s also causing turbo cancer and strokes/blood clots/heart issues.

All viruses mutate. The vaccine didn’t help
the fact it was a non-sterilising 'vaccine' means that even if it works as currently purported then it'll create evolutionary pressure towards a more dangerous variant.

I'm still yet to see any evidence that the shot even reduces symptoms / hospitalisations, people seem to just accept that it does because that's what they were told... show me the evidence! The only conclusive evidence I've seen is that it definitely does not work after an ever-shrinking number of months, they're answer - more shots.


The gunslinger.
I lost my state job I worked at for 9 years because I refused the vaccine. I was only a year away from getting my pension. Anyone who took the shot against their will just to keep a job is a faggot.

I’d like to think I’d do the same, I think I would. I didn’t get it and was prepared to lose my job but it never came to it, I dunno what I’d do. Many caved, I get it. I don’t understand the people who are mad at the ones who didn’t get it though, it didn’t work and it’s dangerous, be happy others didn’t get pressured/fooled!

When it’s apparent it’s dangerous, many people get angry at the ones who knew it was and avoided it. Pure insanity.

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!
I was really paranoid about covid when it first came on the scene, i'm still pretty paranoid about it to be hawnest witcha.. but i have anxiety problems. What made me sceptical of it was when the media was making statements like "Racism is a bigger disease than Covid" trying to justify why it was okay for BLM riots to happen whilst everyone else was getting interrogated for leaving their house.


The gunslinger.
Nigga, you should've at least tried to fake a Vax card, or something. Losing your job 1 year away from a pension is insane! I would be murderous.

Don’t get angry at the guy who gave it up to do what’s right, be mad at the people who forced people into doing that shit.

I kept a mental rolodex of all the people in my life that reacted like retards to covid and those who didn’t, it’s valuable information. The people who wanted to penalise the unvaccinated would have been the people reporting the location of Anne Frank.

It’s that true. Most people are hateful retards.


Founder, Order of the Nine Angels
Lasrt week, one of my in-laws said her neighbor's kid got covid. So the neighbor got tested for COVID and actually got a positive result. My in-law asked them what their symptoms were that caused them to want to take the test.

"I didn't have any symptoms."

Guess the gender of the neighbor.


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
reporting the location of Anne Frank.
She even really exist, NoBacon?