The Shining



Watched it for the first time. Im kind of a mouth breather when it comes to movies, like my favorite movie is John Wick. Was The Shining just a horror movie for its time? I thought it was pretty silly


Still spreading the O&A virus
The movie is one of the funniest films of all time. If it was a straight psychological thriller about a crazy guy who axes his family it would have been fine. If it was a pure horror movie it might have been fine as well. But they tried to make a literal haunted house movie which almost never works. Like the zooming in on Jack in the black and white photo is supposed to be some deep amazing twist of an ending but it just comes across as goofy.

Most haunted house movies have something physical haunting the 'house'. Like the alien in Alien, infected crew in Pandorum, or the shapeshifter alien in The Thing. Very rarely does having an actual haunted house work like Event Horizon.

The acting is also terrible and the dialog is hilarious. "Want some ice cream doc!".


The movie is one of the funniest films of all time. If it was a straight psychological thriller about a crazy guy who axes his family it would have been fine. If it was a pure horror movie it might have been fine as well. But they tried to make a literal haunted house movie which almost never works. Like the zooming in on Jack in the black and white photo is supposed to be some deep amazing twist of an ending but it just comes across as goofy.

Most haunted house movies have something physical haunting the 'house'. Like the alien in Alien, infected crew in Pandorum, or the shapeshifter alien in The Thing. Very rarely does having an actual haunted house work like Event Horizon.

The acting is also terrible and the dialog is hilarious. "Want some ice cream doc!".
I didnt even get that ending. I assumed it had something to do with the Deja Vu he was feeling. But at the same time there was no hint to that, and i was going to google it earlier, but now i remember i didnt care enough to google it because it was just dumb. Shelly Duvall isnt looking so good either btw


It made me very sad when they were calling him an N person when all he was trying to do was help 😢
scatman was a real ass dude



I guess I'm a puss but it still scares me cause of the old hag in the tub. Imagine hoisting a rod as you make out with some hot girl and then seeing and smelling that fuckin rotting mess.

On the other hand if I saw a naked mute girl taking a bath in an empty hotel I was taking care of in the middle of nowhere, maybe my first instinct wouldn't be to make out.