The humiliation of Tom Brady


Still spreading the O&A virus
Imagine being 6'4", model Aryan looks, huge profile career, becomes #1 in career field possibly all time, champion professional athlete, world famous and can get you into any restaurant or private club or plane with just his name, raises your profile just by being associated with him, considered an alpha male by practically everyone with a pulse, makes tens of millions a year. And you still say "he is not good enough".

Even though she is a millionaire she will likely hose him in the divorce. Unless Tom Brady has a .5 inch dick she looks insane.


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
Imagine being 6'4", model Aryan looks, huge profile career, becomes #1 in career field possibly all time, champion professional athlete, world famous and can get you into any restaurant or private club or plane with just his name, raises your profile just by being associated with him, considered an alpha male by practically everyone with a pulse, makes tens of millions a year. And you still say "he is not good enough".

Even though she is a millionaire she will likely hose him in the divorce. Unless Tom Brady has a .5 inch dick she looks insane.
Exactly. As much as I dislike the guy, he's possibly the greatest NFL star who's ever lived. He's in the same category as Ruth, Jordan and Gretzky. And this vile twat is humiliating the guy, in the middle of the football season, no less, complaining about her box. While on one hand it's pretty funny, I really wish he'd escalate it. Tell the world her vag is all dried up, she gives shitty head, she has herpes, something like that. I never could stand her, she's a mouthy obnoxious bitch, and she deserves to get knocked down a few pegs. It'll never happen, of course. But if you're him, it has to be tempting.


Still spreading the O&A virus
It's a tough one, man. Genuinely. Never been a Brady fan, although I can certainly acknowledge his greatness. I'd rather see him humiliated on the field like a lot of old quarterbacks, not blasted publicly by some miserable twat.
Any guy who sacks him is going to sarcastically ask to fuck Giselle or say something like "Giselle says hello".
The fact that he admits that he doesn't care about that and saves it for the field means he really is a psycho about his sport, and it shouldn't humiliate him at all in my book. He gave up the gash to be a football legend. Most men wouldn't give it up to dodge child support.
I hope he reels in some smoking hot 24 year old Instagram slut, then does a bunch of press where he says shit like "I've never really known this kind of happiness and satisfaction before" and "I guess some people just age faster than others do".
Any guy who sacks him is going to sarcastically ask to fuck Giselle or say something like "Giselle says hello".
And she's been with him long enough to know and understand this, which means she's doing it out of spite, because she didn't get her way. She's an aging model on the wrong side of forty, he was about due for an upgrade anyway. I hope he drives this point home in the coldest, cruelest way he can.
Nerts to Tom Brady. A million ways he could have played the wife portion of his life and at the very least he had his pick of any subservient girl in the world but he wanted a "strong" woman and surprise surprise now he's getting bullied. Reap what sow, stupid.

These fantasies of milquetoast Tom Brady suddenly sacking up and being a man about this are laughable, too. The man is a father-kissing dweeb and will take his lumps publicly unless this morphs into improved spite-fuelled play on the field.
Nerts to Tom Brady. A million ways he could have played the wife portion of his life and at the very least he had his pick of any subservient girl in the world but he wanted a "strong" woman and surprise surprise now he's getting bullied. Reap what sow, stupid.

These fantasies of milquetoast Tom Brady suddenly sacking up and being a man about this are laughable, too. The man is a father-kissing dweeb and will take his lumps publicly unless this morphs into improved spite-fuelled play on the field.
This is the most likely scenario. If he goes after her publicly, he'll be pilloried, and there goes the lucrative post-football TV career. "He's a misogynist!"..."how can he SAY that about the mother of his children!" and etc. This is the funny aspect of it. I just don't like her, never have, so it'd be fun to see her take some shots. But yeah, it'll never happen.


Imagine being 6'4", model Aryan looks, huge profile career, becomes #1 in career field possibly all time, champion professional athlete, world famous and can get you into any restaurant or private club or plane with just his name, raises your profile just by being associated with him, considered an alpha male by practically everyone with a pulse, makes tens of millions a year. And you still say "he is not good enough".

Even though she is a millionaire she will likely hose him in the divorce. Unless Tom Brady has a .5 inch dick she looks insane.
Women are awful, spiteful creatures.