The Hildawg Debates: Part 1, NAMBLA is a lot like Harry Potter


posting here is taking time away from my workouts

The format will be individual debate topics broke down into readable sections. I wanted to do this live, where little misunderstandings could be sorted out on the spot.. Mr. Hildawg wanted to email for a week so he could be sure not make an error. He's an SFWA member now and we wouldn't want him to step out of line too badly, his responses need to be thought out to make sure he doesn't upset mary 3 names and co.

Some minor points about previous topics on NPS and twitter. ( I don’t even have a twitter, he debated some guy about me or something, I don’t know maaan)

-Why did Eric associate us with Catholics so quickly? He explained:

I'm just offering examples of how easy it is to find other organizations with equal or larger numbers of pedophiles in it. Of course, SFWA has expelled its pedophiles, while the Republicans... But I digress.)

This is often where I cite the Catholic Church for comparison, and get accused of "whataboutism." Yes, it seems that way on Twitter, because 180 characters isn't enough to elaborate, but the reason the Catholics are relevant is because some within the troll community (Jon Del Arroz, for example) ARE, themselves, Catholics. I'm quite certain many or most of them also have friends or relatives who are Catholic. Yet when it comes to the 4,392 priests in the USA alone who have had sexual abuse allegations between 1950 and 2002 (according to the Jon Jay Report), the trolls don't say one peep. Now, it's true, "whataboutism" does not negate the original accusation. But that's not what I'm doing. I'm comparing how a) trolls claim that SFWA is an organization where pedophilia is ubiquitous, with b) an organization where pedophilia really IS ubiquitous. In other words, 4,394 abusers warrants the kind of treatment trolls give SFWA. FOUR does not. Make sense?

-Eric says I’m wrong to use archive links. He didn’t understand that just because a page is archived, it isn’t dead.
you say that the "Free Ed" website is still up. You do realize that is an ARCHIVE website, don't you? That means the original website is no longer up, but has been ARCHIVED. That's not the same thing as a website being maintained by an active campaign. The "Free Ed" thing is dead.

-Eric agreed that it's time to give up his Scientology lifestyle and hand back the award. However, we have to guess when he's going to do so. Be sure to ask him when he plans on following through with this. We can all meet by the bronze fonze.

We agree that L. Ron Hubbard was an evil shit who probably abused underage girls on his oversized yacht. He is rightly shunned today, but not shunned enough, in my opinion. The Writers of the Future Contest, named in his honor, is still looked upon favorably, and I'm as guilty as anyone because I had a story win Honorable Mention in that contest once. But it's long past time for that contest to be shunned and/or taken over by SFWA or WSFS permanently.

:spaceedge_32:I consider entering Hubbard's awards to be immoral. The man is a pedophile who's "religion" has enabled a long history of abuse. If I was you, I would renounce the award publicly and say why.

After we mutually agreed regarding L. Ron Hubbard, you said regarding his award, "If I was you, I would renounce the award publicly and say why." I may just do that. But I will do so in the time and fashion of my choosing. Not yours

Samuel Delaney Debate:

I listened to you on NPS. I know you would prefer to discuss this one-on-one, but that's a privilege reserved for non-trolls. I also don't give a damn about what your preferences are. My podcast, my forum, my rules. Given the company you keep, I simply can't trust you.
There is no excuse for either belonging to, or speaking in favor of, NAMBLA or its newsletter. Samuel R. Delany was wrong to do so. I'll reiterate what I told Uncle Luke on Twitter (and what Dan conveniently left out), I deplore NAMBLA and am disgusted such an organization even exists - or ever existed. Dan, Boomia & the other trolls accuse me of being a suck-up, a coattail rider, an apple-polisher, etc. Yeah, well, guilty as charged. But this is one issue where I won't kiss the ring. Not ever.
We also disagree whether in-person conversation on a podcast is the proper venue. If we were two academics having a debate, that would be fine. But I must judge you by the company you keep. You seem more intellectually honest than Dan or Boomia, and that's a good thing, but that's not enough. I understand how having a conversation is preferable to emails going back and forth, but you're a troll, so that's all you get.
You'd said that Samuel R. Delany is a member of NAMBLA and has been since the 90's. I don't think that's accurate. In an interview with Will Shetterly, Delany said that he had "no idea what NAMBLA has been doing for the last 20 years." He said that back in 2014. (The interview isn't on Blogger anymore, but it can be recovered on the Wayback Machine website.) By inference, that means Delany hasn't been a member of NAMBLA for roughly 28 years, although I can't prove this with 100% certainty. All I can say is that in the interview, Delany makes his time with NAMBLA sound like a dalliance he had back in the 90's, and hasn't bothered with since. Maybe that's true, maybe not. But at minimum, it is wrong to assume he is still a ember of NAMBLA today.
Dan said that Delany had a "predilection for young boys." As I understand it, it's the exact opposite. Delany was attracted to grown men back when he was a boy. In fact, he was preyed upon when he was young, but for whatever bizarre reason, didn't find the experience traumatic. I think that's severely fucked up. But that also makes Delany a victim of pedophilia, not a pedophile.


posting here is taking time away from my workouts
:spaceedge_32:The theme of what you're saying seems to be "not guilty by association". I think that makes your first point where you say that i'm guilty by assocation and can't be trusted pretty ironic. Still, that's not the point here. There's a few things here i'll try to only touch on a little because I don't think it's the main point. Whatever Dan or Boomia says is also their own business and I have no input on the things they say. I'll accept that you don't like/trust me, especially after the SFWA has labeled me public enemy #1 after apostlegate. What I don't buy is not having me on to speak when you control the platform. You could have the attention of everyone in the SFWA turned on your podcast if I appeared on it, so i'm well aware this would be a good thing for you.

Let's see some part's of NAMBLA member Sam's book, HOGG.

" When I was eleven, I used to suck off a kid named Pedro behind the bottom landing of the stairs that went to the basement. He was a sad-looking, thirteen-year-old spic who wore baggy pants I don't think he ever changed, and a white, short-sleeved shirt he put on fresh Sunday mornings; Saturday nights it was gray. Standing by the radiator, he would grind his sneakers on the gritty boards and rub the heel of his hand on the hard place over his groin. His knuckles were red from chewing. "You want it?" He'd dart around scared glances. "Come on, take it now. Go on, take it." His zipper was always half open.
Squatting, I'd nose between the brass teeth to smell his sweat. He would push penis, both testicles, and the two little fingers of his left hand into my mouth. Holding his thin hips, I troweled my tongue inside his foreskin, till, leaning and grunting, he would spurt his greasy juice and, quickly limp, a tablespoon of urine.
Once he told me, when I stood up, "You look funny down there. You really look funny."
There were two mattresses in the cellar already.
I helped him carry the third one down. Then he got his fifteen-year-old sister, Maria, made her lie on her back, pulled her new skirt up, her stained panties down, and wedged his chin between her thighs, his eyes blinking over her cunt hair. "Look at her." He lifted his head. "She giggle all the time like that. Anybody fuck on her and she giggle. You suck my dick while I eat it out her pussy, huh?"
Maria tried to grab me. As I got free, she said something in Spanish. Pedro hit her—he hit for her chin, but she twisted away and he just got her shoulder. He laughed. "Big, dumb cocksucker," he said. Maria sat up and pulled her skirt into her lap over her pussy. First I thought she wanted to cover herself, but she kept her fist there, as though it felt good. Or maybe it didn't."

:spaceedge_32:Now, this shit was written by a NAMBLA member. This isn't even some of the worst parts, it's literally about a paid rape service, eating shit, molesting children and not taking showers. Your claims that "he isn't a nambla member anymore, he doesnt know what they do now" are absurd. NAMBLA was founded for the sole purpose of man boy love and it's purpose has not changed.
If I told you I was a KKK member 15 years ago, but I don't know what they do these days.. would you assume I thought they had stopped hating blacks and reformed?

Read these lines, Eric. This is what Grandmasters consider LEGENDARY writing. It's what President Steven Gould, President John Scalzi, President Cat Rambo all publicly praised. Delaney is constantly featured in SFWA material and was even featured on the awards website last May. This is the writing that Lackey was praising as GROUNDBREAKING when she called the man a colored..all the SFWA members were tweeting about how awesome this book was in May.. the rape of children.

You said, "Yes, I do consider publicly praising a NAMBLA member's rape fiction to be grounds for me to be suspicious of your sexual activity." By that logic, anyone who praises James Patterson should be suspected of being a serial killer. Anyone who praises Mario Puzo should be considered a potential member of the Mafia. Anyone who praises Tom Clancy should be thought of as a possible spy. I call bullshit.
Let's save some more time and agree that "Hogg" and "Valley of the Nest of Spiders" are not examples of great literature. But we both know full well that Delany is not celebrated for these. He's celebrated for Babel-17, The Einstein Intersection, Nova, Dhalgren, Tales of Neveryon, and Stars In My Pocket Like Grains of Sand. I dare you to find anything wrong with those books, and I'll die on that hill.
Now, you quote some of the disgusting shit from "Hogg," and conclude that such fiction must mean that Delany is a current NAMBLA member. Again, by that logic, that means that J.K. Rowling is a real witch, or Anne Rice was really a vampire. Come on!
While Hogg and Nest of Spiders are truly disgusting, they are FICTION. And while the author who wrote such fiction has a truly twisted mind that ventures off into horrifying territory (and oh, how we agree on that one!) these are still FICTIONS. As gross as Delany's thoughts are, there is a HUGE difference between thinking a thought and doing a deed. There is even a world of difference between writing such a thought and doing the deed. You accuse Delany of doing a deed. I say you have zero evidence of that. You have evidence he thinks such dark thoughts (and plenty of that!), but there's no law against thinking, no matter what twisted shit people think about. Nor should there be.

You say you find a double standard in my "guilt by association" standard between yourself and the trolls, and SF and pedophiles? I think you're confusing "guilt by past association" with "guilt by current association." I think we agree that the sci fi community has had its difficulties in the past. I argue they've grown past that. By contrast, your association with trolls is about as current as it gets.

And you believe my control of the forum should make me unafraid to bring you onto my podcast as a guest? Yeah, I might get the attention of everyone in SFWA if you appeared on my podcast, but not for the right reasons. And as you say, I control the forum. You asked, and I said no. That's the end of it.

:spaceedge_32: I would note here that I'm offering to go anywhere to debate this live, but you don't want to do that. I'm not allowed on your podcast that you use to speak about my work. That's all within your right, i'm just making clear where we stand.

I don't think it's bullshit that if someone is publicly praising pedophilia that I should be suspicious of them. Your comparisons don't flow logically. It would be more like if John Wayne Gacy wrote IT. In real life, the man was a clown murderer. If I went around dressing like a clown and praising Gacy, I wouldn't blame you for looking at me sideways.

Look sideways at Samuel Delany all you like. I think he's an odd duck, too. But I draw a distinct line between thinking a thought or writing a story about it, and doing an actual deed. You have plenty of evidence Delany thinks fucked up thoughts. You could reasonably condemn him for that. But that was not your original claim. You claimed he was a pedophile outright, and we have zero evidence of that.
I'll close by saying again what I've said to other trolls: Milwaukee is my home. Science fiction is my jam. It's rude for people to tell me what to do in my own back yard.

:spaceedge_32:Yeah, I hear you loud and clear. You think it's cool to be in NAMBLA and write about horrific child rape as long as you don't have government convictions. You don't think that joining THE NORTH AMERICAN MAN BOY LOVE ASSOCIATION makes you a pedophile.
I should also note that Tomlinson's lawyer Brinton Resto swore under oath (and on video) that he has no reason to think any of us are not from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. As far as i'm concerned i'm legally your neighbor.

Don't tell me what I think. For the umpteenth time, I do NOT think it's fine to be in NAMBLA, government conviction or not. I don't know how much clearer I can be about that.

From what strange, alternate dimension did you get the notion that I thought it was "cool" to be in NAMBLA?!
I think *Nova* is cool. I think *Tales of Neveryon* is cool. I think *Stars
in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand* is cool. But NAMBLA? No. We both already
agreed that NAMBLA is gross and horrific. We already agree that Delany has
some music to face regarding this. Do you hear me? WE ALREADY AGREE.
Our *remaining* difference of opinion is simple:
For you, membership in NAMBLA, however brief, constitutes actual pedophelia.
MY definition of pedophilia, on the other hand, is an adult having sex with
a minor.
You think belonging to a group that advocates something automatically means
doing that advocated thing.
I say, not necessarily. It's entirely possible, however rare, to be an NRA
member and never fire a gun. Or be a member of an equestrian club and never
ride a horse. Delany might have once belonged to NAMBLA out of a sense of
solidarity with the gay community back when, in the early '90's, being gay
was still considered just as sexually deviant as pedophelia for many
people. (We're old enough to remember the '80's and '90's. We both know
that's absolutely true, especially during the AIDS scare.)

Your definition of pedophelia includes posting a Twitter photograph of a
father and a son at a sex party. Mine does not.
Your definition includes policing an individual's *thoughts*. Mine only
includes policing an individual's *deeds*.

:spaceedge_32: Even in the face of Delaney posting a father son friend incest 3 way, you won't say he's a pedophile. It's because you're a fucking creep dude. There is no defense of your bullshit, you're clearly willing to go to great lengths to defend pedophilia. We don't agree, your inability to call this shit is disgusting. It's telling that you tried to defend a literal nambla member with Harry Potter.
Now, all this shit where you keep telling me I'm a subhuman is pissing me off. I've tried to keep this open, but you just can't help but call me demeaning shit over and over. So that's it. This is finished and I'm now in charge of Starship Fonzie's public relations department.

I said that those who deface the memorials of the dead are even lower than pedophiles and I meant it. It's an empirical fact that your friends in the OnA Forums are guilty of doing this. If you chose to believe that this amounts to me calling you "subhuman," that's on you. From the very onset I told you that I judged you based on the company you keep. Did you think I was kidding? If you don't want to feel dirty, get out of the pig pen.

Next you'll argue that it's an image based on an actual snapshot, and I'll ask for proof, which you naturally won't have. Well, I did ask that you present the image, which you did, so thanks for following through. But honestly, why did you even bother making the argument when you knew you didn't have the goods to deliver?

I agree, we're done. But you're not in charge of anybody's PR department (unless PR stands for "phony reporter"). Then again, I predicted this ending over the last two emails. I'm sure you'll put this all out on somewhere, but I'll put all these correspondences on my blog as well. Your irrationality will be on full display.

Part 2 will include the tomlinson debate, discussing the SFWA and anything else interesting/relevant enough to make it. This should have just been a 30 minute conversation on a podcast, instead now I have to head an entire public relations department. Hildeman talked down to me a lot and I was VERY INJURED.

We're two guys who think posting to an online obituary isn't worse than raping a child!
It's the Chris and Tommy show! The Chris and Tommy show!


posting here is taking time away from my workouts
Love ya SpaceyEdgy, but....ahhh...oof, That's a lot of words...
he said onaforums members are worse than pedophiles and then he said that it's fiction if a nambla member writes about rape, like harry potter


it really is pretty boring, but it's funny to see the twists and turns these rats will do to avoid blame.
we end up agreeing on most things, even though he says we don't right after he says we did.

patrick is fat, the sfwa sued us


just dont forget, hildawg told me that he would give up his scientology lifestyle. we need to hold him, and equal celebrity tom cruise, accountable.


posting here is taking time away from my workouts

I'm just offering examples of how easy it is to find other organizations with equal or larger numbers of pedophiles in it. Of course, SFWA has expelled its pedophiles, while the Republicans... But I digress.)

This is often where I cite the Catholic Church for comparison, and get accused of "whataboutism." Yes, it seems that way on Twitter, because 180 characters isn't enough to elaborate, but the reason the Catholics are relevant is because some within the troll community (Jon Del Arroz, for example) ARE, themselves, Catholics. I'm quite certain many or most of them also have friends or relatives who are Catholic. Yet when it comes to the 4,392 priests in the USA alone who have had sexual abuse allegations between 1950 and 2002 (according to the Jon Jay Report), the trolls don't say one peep. Now, it's true, "whataboutism" does not negate the original accusation. But that's not what I'm doing. I'm comparing how a) trolls claim that SFWA is an organization where pedophilia is ubiquitous, with b) an organization where pedophilia really IS ubiquitous. In other words, 4,394 abusers warrants the kind of treatment trolls give SFWA. FOUR does not. Make sense?

I'm now the head of StarShip Fonzie's public relations. Would you like to comment on this SFWA member comparing you to pedophile Catholics? perhaps he could come on your show and explain? I'm sure he would love his comments about pedophiles examined on such a fair and balanced show.

He seems to think you lead us, which is true. You're the one who pulled the show up from JDA's NightTime Attitude and eventually hired an ugly pedophile that shat in a spackle bucket.

let me know, i'll be in and out of my milwaukee office this week.


and her hair smells like red froot loops
I said that those who deface the memorials of the dead are even lower than pedophiles and I meant it.

Fucking human garbage. Really you piece of shit? The dead aren't around to read mean internet comments, kids have to carry that trauma the rest of their lives.

You're a real member of the SFWA now Eric, excusing and enabling pedophilia at every turn.


posting here is taking time away from my workouts
i don't know why people go out of their way to defend delany. he doesn't bother with low level sci fi authors, doesn't fraternize on twitter, just buttfucks kids and his husband. thanks for the hard hitting work, thomas.
I can ask if he's willing to host a POC single mother and you could ask him yourself
hildawg and I were just talking how us white guys have no place to speak in our podcast meeting

*he looks like the gift card type


Stand Alone Fruit
People writing goofy shit on an online obituary is WORSE than pedo’s? Hilde really is a massive piece of shit. Those online postings are for someone dead - meaning they will never see it because they’re dead. Abusing a child which will be something they have to deal with in painful ways is much worse than a goddamn comment section. While writing shit on someone’s online obituary isn’t nice it does nowhere near the Damage a pedo does on one or sometimes many children. Hilde is the subhuman one here.


Yes. I had cyber sex sessions with Leslie.



Stand Alone Fruit
Fucking human garbage. Really you piece of shit? The dead aren't around to read mean internet comments, kids have to carry that trauma the rest of their lives.

You're a real member of the SFWA now Eric, excusing and enabling pedophilia at every turn.
That thinking alone is why there’s no need to even try to enlighten him. Hes not “open to listen” to different view points to sound like an intellectual but his deranged mind is made up and not even a mountain of evidence can show him otherwise. It’s the equivalent of closing his eyes and sticking his fingers in his ears when confronted with sad truths. He doesn’t think for himself because he’s too stupid to do it.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
That thinking alone is why there’s no need to even try to enlighten him. Hes not “open to listen” to different view points to sound like an intellectual but his deranged mind is made up and not even a mountain of evidence can show him otherwise. It’s the equivalent of closing his eyes and sticking his fingers in his ears when confronted with sad truths. He doesn’t think for himself because he’s too stupid to do it.
It’s why I don’t get this bit. I’m hoping this ends up like Rick though, and I’m SpaceEdge. With slightly more faggotry.


posting here is taking time away from my workouts
That thinking alone is why there’s no need to even try to enlighten him. Hes not “open to listen” to different view points to sound like an intellectual but his deranged mind is made up and not even a mountain of evidence can show him otherwise. It’s the equivalent of closing his eyes and sticking his fingers in his ears when confronted with sad truths. He doesn’t think for himself because he’s too stupid to do it.


How could someone who made themselves in charge of SWIFT (south wisconsin free thinkers) be a fool?

President: Eric Hildeman
Treasurer: Jim Riley
Publicist: Kevin Bruce
Secretary: Carrie Hildeman