The fuck is that hair supposed to be


"Now put ice skates on dat bich." Peppermint

That's absolutely fucking ludicrous. Did he just roll out of bed, crawl into his clothes and walk straight to that convention without looking in the mirror? He looks like a fucking pineapple.

What a fool.


Everyone has the same expression when the Pig oinks.
He wears the same shirts like Jow Cumia does his call of duty with payless air boomers.

Will Tate

Oven March
show love to well-worn tropes and demolish them at the same time
You can do one or the other, you deluded, talentless faggot. This is like saying, "I wanna roll around in mud and stay clean at the same time." I'd love someone without a sampler plate of mental illnesses to explain this to me. The only thing I can show love to and demolish at the same time is my lady's snatch.

Fuck I despise these "people."