The definitive shot of Pat vandalizing his own property


Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
Pat insists that there won't be a trial, because I reminded him that if there was he would be compelled to testify and be cross-examined. Since he is above scrutiny, he insists that I, and presumably dozens of others who will be charged with felony insulting, will take a plea deal.
He seems to vascillate between conducting some sort of Stalinist show trial and quietly making you vanish in the night and fog.

The plea bargain thing is a great new twist. It might be worth the prison sentence to allocute publicly.

More Worser

Not Mexican. Not jewish. NOT bald.😡

visor, noun: a screen for protecting the eyes from unwanted light

• puts visored cap on backward
• dons sunglasses

A man of intellect and style. I feel sorry for Niki in this deal but what kind of woman doesn’t tell him to never wear any piece of apparel backward?


who tf carries a flashlight with them while out and about in 2021? people just use their phone if some low-light scenario presents itself

now, if the vandal were to live withing yards of the vehicles, then it makes sense, people still have flashlights at home

conclusion: it's the hottie that leaked the swatting audio
Also, why would you have a tiny flashlight to vandalize a vehicle? It doesn't help you see any better, and all the owner has to do is look out his window and he would instantly spot you. This is of course not mentioning the fact that a vandal would have at the very least flinched or looked up at the house when the light went on to make sure the owner wasn't looking through the window.