Thanks for the photoshop template you tubby dunce.

N64 Cube

Patrick S. Tomlinson staring as “Liquor Pig”
is he doing any more panels? I wonder if he turns his phone off?
He’s doing one tomorrow at 11 am



He’s doing one tomorrow at 11 am
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You guys are fucking haters man.
you civilians don’t get it, performing your craft in front of an audience, going through the rollercoaster of emotions with them, hanging out back stage with tulip cracking some jokes , “nice skirt, stupid.”
Just pure jealousy


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
I fucking hate the way he always puts his hands on his hips like a little girl taking her soccer team photos.
It’s his best attempt at disguising his heaving bosom by keeping his lard in the most rectangular shape possible. His gut is still bursting out the front and that tee is probably glued to his belt. What a fat bastard.
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