Terrible show. Always was. Always will be.


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.



Sue Lightning

It was ok but not BB level. Anything to do with the lawyer side of things was cool. Chuck is a great character. Kim is better than any female character on Breaking Bad where their entire existence is “NOOO COOKING METH IS BAD AND I LOVE (insert male character)”

…But anytime the Mike cartel story came up I wanted to blow my fucking head off. They all look so fucking old. The twins walking synchronically is so hack. Too many explosions and shit. They should have just kept it with the boring legal drama shit

Sue Lightning

I’m still conVINCEd Vince Gilligan was a fan of da show. Most of the comedic actors came from Mr. Show. You have Bob Odenkirk, John Ennis (who played the mediators impersonator), Jay Johnston (who played Kevins dad) and even Michael Mckean was one an episode of Mr. Show as a lawyer. Then you have the other comedic actors which are Bill Burr and Joe DeRosa…and then the one out of place one, Lavell Crawford as Huell. My theory? That role was supposed to be Patrices if he had lived and gave a fuck enough to accept it. Huell doesn’t appear alongside Bill Burr in Breaking Bad until the 2012 season with Patrice dying in 2011. Also they’re both fat black niggers


You are not a glowie. You are just stupid.
I've only watched this show up until his brother being sick in the hospital. So I should just never go back? Because up until that point it was pretty good.


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
It was ok but not BB level. Anything to do with the lawyer side of things was cool. Chuck is a great character. Kim is better than any female character on Breaking Bad where their entire existence is “NOOO COOKING METH IS BAD AND I LOVE (insert male character)”

…But anytime the Mike cartel story came up I wanted to blow my fucking head off. They all look so fucking old. The twins walking synchronically is so hack. Too many explosions and shit. They should have just kept it with the boring legal drama shit

That’s a fair assessment. I could actually tolerate the first couple of seasons being so slow because at least it felt like it was going somewhere. But then when the third season began and it was clear that all the stuff with Gus and the cartel stuff was just going to be tedious I lost interest.

I’d say the fifth season was the only true great one. Lalo was a great character and the way that season ended actually made me look forward to the last season a lot. Unfortunately the final season turned out to be the steaming pile of shite that it was. What exactly was the purpose of entire fucking thing being in black and white again?


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
Huell doesn’t appear alongside Bill Burr in Breaking Bad until the 2012 season with Patrice dying in 2011. Also they’re both fat black niggers

If only Patrice had lived another year or two. That could’ve been HIM playing that big black nigger.

He was 14 years old 😔

Chive Turkey

Erock Army Deserter
I've said it before but the weakest parts of the show were the ones which tied directly back in to Breaking Bad. Very bland and twodimensial which stands in stark contrast to all the original stuff, which seemed alot more thought-out. All the cartel shit outside of Nacho was boring and his entire story turned out to be pointless anyway. Gus and his goons were almost laughable, straight out of a B-movie. Mike's arc was finished in season 1 and they struggled to find shit for him to do, so they created the meth lab episodes, which I still maintain is the most pointless and unasked for subplot in history.

It wouldn't suprise me if there was some studio meddling because the first season or two were slow as shit and it was a weird mixture of goofy and surreal elements with serious courtroom and character drama (which I actually kinda liked), so they probably leaned on Gilligan to add in more BB stuff and make the tone more grimdark.

Leonard Rhomberg

Who are you gonna replace me with?
I've said it before but the weakest parts of the show were the ones which tied directly back in to Breaking Bad. Very bland and twodimensial which stands in stark contrast to all the original stuff, which seemed alot more thought-out. All the cartel shit outside of Nacho was boring and his entire story turned out to be pointless anyway. Gus and his goons were almost laughable, straight out of a B-movie. Mike's arc was finished in season 1 and they struggled to find shit for him to do, so they created the meth lab episodes, which I still maintain is the most pointless and unasked for subplot in history.

It wouldn't suprise me if there was some studio meddling because the first season or two were slow as shit and it was a weird mixture of goofy and surreal elements with serious courtroom and character drama (which I actually kinda liked), so they probably leaned on Gilligan to add in more BB stuff and make the tone more grimdark.
The Nacho story was weird. Such a build up of a character who was well received and then just kind of ends in a dud. Also I loved how they tried to play out the drama when he’s holding a gun to the head of a guy who’s in fuckin BB.

Also in the later seasons when they cap off an episode with Mike doing some stealth moving around through homes at night and it’s all so he can call his grand daughter and talk about the stars. Riveting