Taylor Swift worships Satan and eats babies MEGADREAD

Fortified Wine

Sweet liquor eases the pain
Anton LaVey was purely a grifter, he didnt believe in any of the ideals he preached.

A friend gave me the Satanic Bible and Satanic Witch years ago and I only looked through each of them a bit but a lot of it was more like "how to deal with people" or "how to be successful" types of books, how to curry favor with people and get them to trust you and shit, rather than actual shit about about worshipping satan.

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
A friend gave me the Satanic Bible and Satanic Witch years ago and I only looked through each of them a bit but a lot of it was more like "how to deal with people" or "how to be successful" types of books, how to curry favor with people and get them to trust you and shit, rather than actual shit about about worshipping satan.
How To Win Friends And Be Influenced By Moloch


Stand Alone Fruit
No offense but I find that to be one of the more retarded conspiracy theories.
Clone or not she’s not many years away from really hitting the wall and blowing up like her mom.


Stand Alone Fruit
She was selling out football stadiums in 15 minutes for her “Eras” tour. I’m sure she’ll be fine.
She also figured out how to make her psycho fans buy all her albums again with the whole “my dad sold the rights to my music! I’m a victim!” gimmick. Not many artists could get away with “hey you know how you bought all my albums? Can you do me a favor and buy the “new” version of all of them so I get even more money after selling my catalog? Thanks!”

I’ve heard of groups having studio musicians record over previous band members (Kiss did this with their biggest hits so they don’t have to pay Ace & Peter as much and Sharon Osbourne had the bass and drum parts Re-recorded for all of Ozzy’s albums so they didn’t have to pay the old guys) but what swift did was something else.

Fortified Wine

Sweet liquor eases the pain
She also figured out how to make her psycho fans buy all her albums again with the whole “my dad sold the rights to my music! I’m a victim!” gimmick. Not many artists could get away with “hey you know how you bought all my albums? Can you do me a favor and buy the “new” version of all of them so I get even more money after selling my catalog? Thanks!”

I’ve heard of groups having studio musicians record over previous band members (Kiss did this with their biggest hits so they don’t have to pay Ace & Peter as much and Sharon Osbourne had the bass and drum parts Re-recorded for all of Ozzy’s albums so they didn’t have to pay the old guys) but what swift did was something else.

To be fair "she" doesn't have a single thought rattling around in her brain, this was someone elses idea. I don't even buy that she contributes to writing any of her songs.


Stand Alone Fruit
To be fair "she" doesn't have a single thought rattling around in her brain, this was someone elses idea. I don't even buy that she contributes to writing any of her songs.
Oh yeah, I know she didn’t come up with this but they knew her fans would fall for it because even though she’s one of the biggest music artists in the world making millions of dollars she’s somehow also a poor helpless victim of the all the evil in the world. She’s mid 30s yet like others have pointed out treated like she’s a naive teenager. Her lyrics aren’t great so I assume she writes them or most of them, unlike Beyoncé who is borderline retarded. Seriously, they make sure she says very few words because she’s an idiot and they pay extra for songs to but her name on it as a writer when she can’t write for shit.

Say “Cookie”

ShutYourCakehorn/gassers Alt
I hear this a lot about him being a carnie, and it's true to a degree but there's more than meets the eye with this scumbag. According to his own authorized biography, he used to run guns for the Israeli terrorist Irgun group and called himself a "Zionist operative":
View attachment 156970

Kind of an odd thing to participate in for someone so anti-religious, but maybe his real name, Howard Levey, and heritage have something to do with it. There was definitely some shadier shit going on with him and this whole spectacle.

LaVey was a friend of L Ron Hubbard and was inspired to create the Satanic grift after seeing the money Hubbard was making. LaVey likely worshipped Moloch, but his book ‘The Satanic Rituals’ describes in detail several actual Luciferian rituals. In it he talks about defilement, homosexuality and child rape/murder being powerful forces to enact the black magic of the rituals. LaVey was in Hollywood circles, he probably just wrote what he had taken part in.