Taylor Swift worships Satan and eats babies MEGADREAD

Turk February

Our experiences exceed yours.


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
She’s really teetering the edge between popularity and contempt with this nfl crossover I’m thinking people are going to start hating her I’ve begun to

The American fan follows the Lions (don't get me started), and he commented in our last email about how "you're lucky there isn't something like that going on with your soccer or you'd toss out your TV".

Is it really that bad? What does the NFL gain, women? If they haven't watched "football" before, why would they now? She's not fucking playing.

Actually, if she was, I think I would watch that...


I was only jokin'
@Riccardo Bosi have you ever read "Confessions of a Satanist" by "Frater 616"? It's an (alleged) deathbed confession by an Australian satanist that was high up in whatever lodge system they operate under. Pretty sick shit and it has enough references and details that make it sound authentic so it doesn't fit the "trolling Christians/satanic panic shock value" dismissal that a lot of know-it-alls like to use. Would be curious to hear your thoughts. Lotta fawkin' problems down under.


Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
@Riccardo Bosi have you ever read "Confessions of a Satanist" by "Frater 616"? It's an (alleged) deathbed confession by an Australian satanist that was high up in whatever lodge system they operate under. Pretty sick shit and it has enough references and details that make it sound authentic so it doesn't fit the "trolling Christians/satanic panic shock value" dismissal that a lot of know-it-alls like to use. Would be curious to hear your thoughts. Lotta fawkin' problems down under.

I just skimmed this, but I'm pretty sure it's the same guy I had heard of before; he's saying the same stuff I had heard, namely that Australia and the world is run by Satanic forces and groups. Well, we've had at least three prime ministers who were and are pedophiles and every politician in the system knows about it.

He's also correct in that Australia is the first or second richest nation on the planet in natural resources alone, yet the living standard decreases year after year. Western Australia alone (where Perth is) is worth more than the rest of the country.

Funnily enough, he mentions the Order Of Nine Angles.


I was only jokin'
Anton LaVey was purely a grifter, he didnt believe in any of the ideals he preached. He was a Carnival Barker before establishing his religion lol. If anything he was an Atheist looking to make a dime.

Aleister Crowley on the other hand.. that dude was the real deal. I think the moniker of 'evil' fits him pretty well.
I hear this a lot about him being a carnie, and it's true to a degree but there's more than meets the eye with this scumbag. According to his own authorized biography, he used to run guns for the Israeli terrorist Irgun group and called himself a "Zionist operative":

Kind of an odd thing to participate in for someone so anti-religious, but maybe his real name, Howard Levey, and heritage have something to do with it. There was definitely some shadier shit going on with him and this whole spectacle.