Sugahoof is drunk already. Happy Fourth, you fucking faggots.





Stand Alone Fruit
Of course Pat claims to be a master mechanic as well as everything else.
He composes all his tweets in Notepad before he cuts and pastes them into twitter. He oopsie doodled and pasted his car remark in the text convo rather than in a tweet
I wonder if that’s what happened to him and his 1.7 gpa. He didn’t care to get good grades because he figured he would just go to trade school to become a mechanic since he’s such a “car guy”. I was friends in HS with a couple guys like that, no plan for college because they were going to learn a trade, even some did the half school day / half tech school day.

Pat of course is an idiot and didn’t realize being a mechanic isn’t easy if you’re stupid and failed out. In a panic Pat had to do something so he went to community college in hopes of making up for his awful 1.7 yet failed again.

Also explains why he thought he could sell cars - he’s long believed he’s a car guy yet is a retard.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Pat thinks doing preventative maintenance on your own makes you a mechanic. He has never pulled an engine,tore it down to the block and built it back up. I used to work on benz/bmws like 15 years ago. Pat doesnt know jack shit. he would have to watch youtube tutorials to even know where to start.


Stand Alone Fruit
Pat thinks doing preventative maintenance on your own makes you a mechanic. He has never pulled an engine,tore it down to the block and built it back up. I used to work on benz/bmws like 15 years ago. Pat doesnt know jack shit. he would have to watch youtube tutorials to even know where to start.
I bet he changed his oil once and thought “now I’m a master mechanic, child!”

Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
Of course Pat claims to be a master mechanic as well as everything else.

I wonder if that’s what happened to him and his 1.7 gpa. He didn’t care to get good grades because he figured he would just go to trade school to become a mechanic since he’s such a “car guy”. I was friends in HS with a couple guys like that, no plan for college because they were going to learn a trade, even some did the half school day / half tech school day.

Pat of course is an idiot and didn’t realize being a mechanic isn’t easy if you’re stupid and failed out. In a panic Pat had to do something so he went to community college in hopes of making up for his awful 1.7 yet failed again.

Also explains why he thought he could sell cars - he’s long believed he’s a car guy yet is a retard.
Nice double dipping your reply and making it a thread, real Patrick move


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
He composes all his tweets in Notepad before he cuts and pastes them into twitter. He oopsie doodled and pasted his car remark in the text convo rather than in a tweet.

He's such a sad fucking cunt. I've never heard of anyone doing that.

How can he do that and deny Twitter is his life? Also how can he look like he does and deny he's fat?! These questions need answering.


Stand Alone Fruit
He composes all his tweets in Notepad before he cuts and pastes them into twitter. He oopsie doodled and pasted his car remark in the text convo rather than in a tweet.
I’d love to see him actually doing this in real time, it’s probably what he’s really doing when “working” on his laptop. He’s got his phone open to twitter yet also Niki and other accounts open on his laptop (to see what people are saying behind blocks) and writing responses for tweets on some kind of notepad program or Microsoft word. Might explain the typos since I’m pretty sure notepad doesn’t spell check.