Strange Fixaction?


Don't thank the felon, Keith
No no no I'm not the Bobs Big Boy

I’m 5”9 160lbs normally - I’ve put on about 8lb recently and I feel I need to make a change and sort it out.

Just because most people are overweight now doesn’t make it an acceptable or healthy thing. It just means the statistically average weight for people is going up - it’s still a bad thing. You shouldn’t let it happen. It’s not even hard, you maintain a healthy weight through just having a good diet.
You must not live in Wisconsin where it's impossible not to gain 10+ lbs. (being generous here) from beers and brats every winter.


The gunslinger.
You must not live in Wisconsin where it's impossible not to gain 10+ lbs. (being generous here) from beers and brats every winter.
I loathe fat people. If they actually acknowledge they’re fat there’s always a reason for it other than eating too much and being lazy. “Don’t have time” etc

They are the same people trying to sermonise about health because they took an untested vaccine injection. Instead of you know, being actually healthy.