His "I lift heavy weights, so I need a real gym" LARP is one of the most annoying things about him.
I did my own research:
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His only two comments about deadlifts are:
1) a stupid joke premised on his wife knowing or caring for some reason about a decent NBA player from the 80's and 90's
2) him thinking that a 275 pound deadlift is something special.
He admits he weighs 220 pounds - most untrained/detrained people can deadlift about 10 to 20 pounds more than they weigh the first time they try deadlifts ( this includes women, for christ's sake ).
The 2015 comment is from around the same time that he tweeted about benching 225 ( and then he claimed to bench 250 a month or so later, "275 is next" ok fatso ).
If you are on any decent strength program, you usually can squat 300 and deadlift 400 by the time that you bench 225.
I have never seen him say anything about squats, which is the exercise that would probably help him the most.
He's a useless LARPing fat faggot, is what I'm trying to get at