Something fucked up you know from work?



It's SUE lightning, not stu
Im pretty sure his username was stu (unless Im getting Mandela Affected or sumptin).

Nigger I will take out my false teeth in the front of my mouth and end you. I will literally kill you and cook your body and eat you.


When a barely passing for white spic repeatedly calls me Nigger



No. Ever.

I say this to someone who has gone through the prison system and had to go along to get along. When we go one we go fucking HARD. My fucking Hispanic mother was OVERLOOKED because of my ability to talk to the other people who speak Spanish. I have white power tattoos on me. I will not condone or condemn them I will just say that those tattoos kept me alive. But I will say this: if you were going to a bar, and you're crazy enough to let your white power flags fly you ain't going alone. There will be at least 10 people backing you up and you are ready to hit as soon as somebody talks shit.

Did Pat beat Nazis? I don't know did he beat 10 of them in a row?
Did you ever suck a black dick while letting your white power flags fly in prison?


Did you ever suck a black dick while letting your white power flags fly in prison?
Nope. I've had a lot of fun with trainees in prison though. That was 100% allowed. I mean I thought I was doing two decades In fort Dodge and I end up doing merely a year piece but I didn't know that.


I passed. It was the way people like you screamed that still bothers me
huh, people like me? im not a felon...but yeah i'd be a fawkin great asset to any Aryan Brotherhood on the inside. I'm like an autistic bloodhound when it comes to naming the j for eg, and also have great insight into ppl etc.

Also, Im huge and have a high threshold for pain and can be ruthless if need be.


huh, people like me? im not a felon...but yeah i'd be a fawkin great asset to any Aryan Brotherhood on the inside. I'm like an autistic bloodhound when it comes to naming the j for eg, and also have great insight into ppl etc.
People like you get bitched day one. I can't save every little "dindu nuffin" white boy that comes my way.


I dnt have to shave my head if i join the whites, do I? What other groups can I join, if any?
You just put your work in pecker wood. You don't worry about anything. When opportunity knocks it'll come to your door.


You're literally a faggot who sucks dick and a repeat offender, ie: not mindful enough
Who do you THINK runs the yard, stupid?
edit: Also, I'm basically a WASP with some French Huguenot thrown in (WASPiest of the french)...not a le amerimutt 56% like you.
Wow... *Slow clap* so I guess when I watch the man get fucked outta you, I should be looking for french Canadian?


Access to the Debates
Is it normal for someone like Pat to get into "numerous barfights" against Nazis? How often do fights actually happen and what happens to those involved? I used to work at a bar and we never had anything but maybe other people have different experiences
I worked at the bar aimed at the younger crowd and at night it was more like a night club. Fights were common there. Definitely no Pats hanging around there, they’d be up the strip at the old guy bar. At that bar, his boilerplate progressive opinions would get him mocked at the least and drunkenly assaulted at worst. Guys like him usually would come into the place ai worked for 3 mins, feel the energy isn’t for them, and leave. If he wanted to try to “correct the record” to a local, he’d be in a fight. We all know he’d cover up and just eat shots (if he said anything at all) while he screames about suing the person. Personally though I had never seen any politically motivated bar fights (imagine bow insane Pat has to be to pretend this is normal). Most were drunk hockey guys saying “I’ll go ya fackin’ 1 v1 bud!” because some guy lightly grazed him while walking by. I also saw one dude go fucking nuts and start a fight cuz The Beatles came on and someone said they hated them. That’s prob the most random reason I’ve seen.

Fights happened at least once a night in the months after university and high school get out. May is calmer, June/July are nightmares, and by mid August and Sept everyone is starting to get back into school/winter mode and it calms down again.

When fights happen we usually just toss the people out and let them handle their shit in the street. It’s not our problem once it leaves the patio (kinda is cuz we served them but nobody cares), plus there are always cops around so shit rarely goes too far. There’s a pair of brothers who work as cops in this town and they are both like a sturdy 6’10 and had to have a Chevy Suburban custom made to fit their dumb legs. Not many people keep acting crazy when they show up.

The worst is when chicks fight because we can’t really do fuck all. We had one hardcore server chick that we’d call over for those situations but she wasn’t always working. Not many local broads wanted to work security because they’d get called a dyke or have to handle all the women problems alone and it sucks. If a guy bouncer touches a chick, we risked having them start claiming sexual assault or whatever or having the surrounding drunks in the bar overreact and “defend” her. So we just stand in between and let them slap themselves out then walk them out. For dudes I basically did whatever the fuck I wanted even though it wasn’t technically allowed either. Nobody cares about dudes though so I could throw them down the stairs (it was only 3 steps up to the patio) with impunity.


I worked at the bar aimed at the younger crowd and at night it was more like a night club. Fights were common there. Definitely no Pats hanging around there, they’d be up the strip at the old guy bar. At that bar, his boilerplate progressive opinions would get him mocked at the least and drunkenly assaulted at worst. Guys like him usually would come into the place ai worked for 3 mins, feel the energy isn’t for them, and leave. If he wanted to try to “correct the record” to a local, he’d be in a fight. We all know he’d cover up and just eat shots (if he said anything at all) while he screames about suing the person. Personally though I had never seen any politically motivated bar fights (imagine bow insane Pat has to be to pretend this is normal). Most were drunk hockey guys saying “I’ll go ya fackin’ 1 v1 bud!” because some guy lightly grazed him while walking by. I also saw one dude go fucking nuts and start a fight cuz The Beatles came on and someone said they hated them. That’s prob the most random reason I’ve seen.

Fights happened at least once a night in the months after university and high school get out. May is calmer, June/July are nightmares, and by mid August and Sept everyone is starting to get back into school/winter mode and it calms down again.

When fights happen we usually just toss the people out and let them handle their shit in the street. It’s not our problem once it leaves the patio (kinda is cuz we served them but nobody cares), plus there are always cops around so shit rarely goes too far. There’s a pair of brothers who work as cops in this town and they are both like a sturdy 6’10 and had to have a Chevy Suburban custom made to fit their dumb legs. Not many people keep acting crazy when they show up.

The worst is when chicks fight because we can’t really do fuck all. We had one hardcore server chick that we’d call over for those situations but she wasn’t always working. Not many local broads wanted to work security because they’d get called a dyke or have to handle all the women problems alone and it sucks. If a guy bouncer touches a chick, we risked having them start claiming sexual assault or whatever or having the surrounding drunks in the bar overreact and “defend” her. So we just stand in between and let them slap themselves out then walk them out. For dudes I basically did whatever the fuck I wanted even though i wasn’t technically allowed either. Nobody cares about dudes though so I could throw them down the stairs (it was only 3 steps up to the patio) with impunity.
This guy just described PAROLE Friday night. We would get somebody in the parking lot just to kick their ass. And sometimes it wasn't a fair fight, people don't understand that we aren't just bullies, we will take a poke at you and the two guys who came with. That's how I fucked around and got my orbital bone broke with brass knuckles on downtown 5th Street in Waterloo but nobody saw nothing.

People who have done time handle their business internally. And as luck would have it I fooled around I got my ass kicked that night lol.
When I sold cars years back I sold a guy a 4 cylinder and mistakenly told him it was a 6. He even scribbled out the 4cyl that was printed on the Sale Contract. I noticed it last second and let it slip by. I ended up quitting a few weeks later before he came back complaining.

He was very angry and they couldn't do anything about it.
And that guy's Name was Patrick S. Tomlinson

Consensual Rapist

私は爆発的な下痢をしています! ^_^
Had this piss ass job long time ago working for a mini golf/go-kart/batting cages place.
I used to slang batting tokens, while drinking and smoking weed in the back. After work, me and my co-workers would hop the fence to said place and drink and smoke til 3am. Then come to work at 7am to open up. Good times.