So WWE is completely not worth watching now right?


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
Where we at with Jamie Hayter's fat British ass?



Stand Alone Fruit
In the old days you had to be an actual tough guy or look like one because there'd be some drunk hick that would try to make a name for himself by taking a cheap shot. Cactus Jack (Manson) looked and sounded like an escaped lunatic. Dusty Rhodes (despite his voluminous floppy man boobs) looked like some guys dad that would fuck your shit up if he had to. You didn't have to suspend disbelief to believe that in any wrestling match there were two guys trying to put the other guy in the hospital

Now you have guys with the participation award physiques that look like they should be carrying around a red bag full of big macs instead of main eventing a ppv

There’s all kinds of crazy stories of old wrestlers getting into bar fights because you’d have some drunk recognizing them and trying to prove they can beat them up. I know Jake Roberts once got slashed from someone in the crowd as he was leaving the ring.

They’ve always said Haku was the toughest and “real deal” as someone that could actually fight. There’s a story where some drunks tried to fight him and other wrestlers in a baltimore airport bar and he bit part of the guys nose off like the penguin in Batman Returns.


#1 Poster
Sam Roberts watches wrestling if u ever enjoyed that shit you're a faggot and should kill yourself but whatever floats your boat


I don't have it in me to withstand the corny shit they've done for years. But I am interested to know if the show has changed at all since HHH supposedly took over the show after Vince McMahon supposedly retired for supposedly being sexually inappropriate by using his own cash as he pleases. Obviously not interested enough to try and watch that garbage because HHH was one of the big reasons to tune out in 2000.


I don't have it in me to withstand the corny shit they've done for years. But I am interested to know if the show has changed at all since HHH supposedly took over the show after Vince McMahon supposedly retired for supposedly being sexually inappropriate by using his own cash as he pleases. Obviously not interested enough to try and watch that garbage because HHH was one of the big reasons to tune out in 2000.
Say supposedly again, motherfucker.


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
Jim Cornette shitting on today's product is entertaining. WWE and AEW stink.

Cornette is entertaining. Not always correct with what he says, but still entertaining.

I find myself enjoying Nash's show much more lately. Like the American fan, Nash is a good Detroit fella, I've always liked listening to him. He seems like a bloke I could drink with and wouldn't have to worry about starting bar fights. Plus he isn't high strung like Jim can be.