So WWE is completely not worth watching now right?


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
I'd let the Irish broad suplex my penis, if you can pick up on my crude Tomlinsonesque humor.



Mitch Weaver

Wave bye bye, staIker
Im a child of the 90’s, child so there was a time when I watched this shit.

That being said


it doesn't taste all that good
Hasn't been for decades. They made so much money that whenever someone had a problem with their product, Vince could open up the books and use the figures to tell them they don't know what they're talking about (but that doesn't stop them from talking). He's basically stuck in the 80s, although he should get credit for always having an evil Russian heel long after people thought it relevant.

When HHH took over after Vince got his R2Me2 papers, the prevailing thought was that it'd get better, but it was so bad before they're really only raising the bar to unwatchable.

Edit - So you're not dead, that's your bit?
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In the old days you had to be an actual tough guy or look like one because there'd be some drunk hick that would try to make a name for himself by taking a cheap shot. Cactus Jack (Manson) looked and sounded like an escaped lunatic. Dusty Rhodes (despite his voluminous floppy man boobs) looked like some guys dad that would fuck your shit up if he had to. You didn't have to suspend disbelief to believe that in any wrestling match there were two guys trying to put the other guy in the hospital

Now you have guys with the participation award physiques that look like they should be carrying around a red bag full of big macs instead of main eventing a ppv