Silvio Dante: Hysterical Faggot



i just want to talk to u are u over 18



Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
You could film paint drying and it would be an accurate representation of real life. Doesn't make it watchable.
I hated Livia and Janice because I have cunts like that in my family and it pissed me off, but they were great actresses because they could convey those personalities. We'll agree to disagree on the Silvio thing, and we'll agree to agree that Van Zandt is a total fag.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
I have been alone in my Silvio Dante hate for a decade. Everyone who brings him up is a chuckling retard that says he's their "favorite character." Silvio was by far the weak point in The Sopranos.

Go through the entire Cast, every last one of the main players are strong characters that get put across through excellent performance. Silvio is a glaring flaw that seems to be an IQ test -- If you like him, you're an invalid. They actually enjoy watching this sniveling ugly jew in his stupid Dick Tracy costume keep saying "They pulled me back in!!!" *chip face*

Even the kids Meadow and AJ as children were competent actors who fulfilled their roles properly. Silvio is just a faggot cartoon character mugging for the camera amateurish, and you just know those low IQ italians on set were cracking up over his corny ass 'antics' Do it again little steven! Haha, He says the thing, just like Pacino.

Every last one of them are snobby fake-classy theater fags irl.
You were definitely the only one who thought Silvio sucked. Definitely not a lot of people here who already thought that. Faggot.

Queefer Sutherland

Fix me, Josh!