Sandy Hook. LMAO




Still spreading the O&A virus
That long faced wonky kid from Sandy Hook...looks like a fictional character IMO, probaly didnt exist. (Adam Lanza)
Lanza was definitely real. Just like Lee Harvey Oswald was a real person. There is evidence that Lanza was extremely withdrawn and barely went outside for like a decade. So a perfect person for the Mossad/CIA to frame into being a maniac. Same with the Vegas shooter who had almost trace of his life beyond owning some properties.

The crazy Canadian denturist who shot and burned up over 20 people was likely going to be the next 'mass killer' but figured it out and started killing everyone around him before they could frame him.


Here's the Sandy Hook dad crying video so that we're all on the same page:

[URL unfurl="true"][/URL]

My sister told me that Sandy Hook is why she stopped believing in God. So years later I find this video and show it to her, and she didn't think anything was odd about it. "He was probably nervous before the cameras were rolling."

God she's a fucking idiot.
This is the footage that introduced me to the psychological behavior known as "Duping Delight". Once you see, you can't unsee.


thats the funniest shit i ever heard

he committed mass murder before they could frame him for mass murder

he really outsmarted them
Vaguely remember that was some Halifax motherfucker who had a list of names like Steve Buschemi in Billy Madison. I could see him saying 'fuck it' if I'm going to get framed for shit, I might as well go on a REAL rampage, my show.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
Here's the Sandy Hook dad crying video so that we're all on the same page:

My sister told me that Sandy Hook is why she stopped believing in God. So years later I find this video and show it to her, and she didn't think anything was odd about it. "He was probably nervous before the cameras were rolling."

God she's a fucking idiot.
Here's another semi-related story.

The Las Vegas shooting happened. Years go by. Talking with some in-laws at a family gathering and my sister in-law, who is not stupid but is a libtard (you can be academically smart and street dumb), somehow brings up media and CIA stuff. I said that I had a belief that Ellen DeGeneres is CIA. I said that I know it sounds kooky and it may be wrong, but we are all entitled to our odd beliefs.

I have a bit of reasoning (lesbian, hangs out with George HW Bush whose dad was CIA -- what on earth do they have in common) but to keep it short I said that when the Vegas shooting happened, the security guard involved went on fucking Ellen to tell his story and was never heard of again. He didn't go on a serious news show, he went on fucking Ellen. Ellen, who by the way, has slot machines at MGM properties, including the Mandalay Bay which is where the shooter was.

I'm not saying that my arguments were the greatest in the world, but it's why I believe what I believe. My sister-in-law's response was one of the most retarded things I ever heard.

"Have you considered that the security guard was a fan of Ellen and really just wanted to go on her show?"

Yeah, because Las Vegas security guards involved in one of the biggest mass shootings ever and who could have maybe been considered a hero if the situation was different, was just a huge Ellen fan and couldn't believe his luck on finally getting to meet her.

We must repeal the 19th.


Here's another semi-related story.

The Las Vegas shooting happened. Years go by. Talking with some in-laws at a family gathering and my sister in-law, who is not stupid but is a libtard (you can be academically smart and street dumb), somehow brings up media and CIA stuff. I said that I had a belief that Ellen DeGeneres is CIA. I said that I know it sounds kooky and it may be wrong, but we are all entitled to our odd beliefs.

I have a bit of reasoning (lesbian, hangs out with George HW Bush whose dad was CIA -- what on earth do they have in common) but to keep it short I said that when the Vegas shooting happened, the security guard involved went on fucking Ellen to tell his story and was never heard of again. He didn't go on a serious news show, he went on fucking Ellen. Ellen, who by the way, has slot machines at MGM properties, including the Mandalay Bay which is where the shooter was.

I'm not saying that my arguments were the greatest in the world, but it's why I believe what I believe. My sister-in-law's response was one of the most retarded things I ever heard.

"Have you considered that the security guard was a fan of Ellen and really just wanted to go on her show?"

Yeah, because Las Vegas security guards involved in one of the biggest mass shootings ever and who could have maybe been considered a hero if the situation was different, was just a huge Ellen fan and couldn't believe his luck on finally getting to meet her.

We must repeal the 19th.

anything in the mocking bird media is cia


"He's ducking through the alleys!"
Here's the Sandy Hook dad crying video so that we're all on the same page:

My sister told me that Sandy Hook is why she stopped believing in God. So years later I find this video and show it to her, and she didn't think anything was odd about it. "He was probably nervous before the cameras were rolling."

God she's a fucking idiot.
She sounds stupid as fuck, could you introduce her to me?