Sandy Hook. LMAO

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
That and the Boston Marathon bombing definitely have some questionable details. The fact that you are not "allowed" to question them just make them that much more suspicious.

I've honestly never sat and looked over the Boston Marathon; however, I spent like the summer of 2014 watching footage of the whole sandy hook bullshit.

The "dad" laughing and joking one second, and the camera man doing a countdown with the "dad" then crying is up there with the hardest proof. SAme with the coroner laughing and being a fucking nut. No way you would act that way just seeing dead kids.


Still spreading the O&A virus
Tamerlan Tsarnev was a known FBI informant who had committed at least one home invasion murder. Though he was suspected in multiple drug based robberies and possibly kidnapping and sex trafficking. This is all while being on the FBI payroll. Ibragim Todashev was best friends with the Tsarnevs and his father is part of Putin's spy ring and sent his son to America from Chechnya through some FBI immigration program. Todashev was an MMA fighter studying English in America and when the FBI interrogated him they killed him during the interrogation. But most likely the just disappeared him back home to Chechnya with his father.

Anyone who believes Sandy Hook is an idiot. The father laughing on camera about his dead kids is some of the most pathetic crisis acting ever.



I'm not joking. Stop engaging this fed faggot.