Rube. Also, a Tomlinson Tall Tale?


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
I don’t remember Piggy going to Italy, ever. He said he did 2 weeks in Europe for the honeymoon, and of course went to a British McDonald’s (in Manchester, of all places), and Dachau.

Venice is alright but it’s overloaded with fat slobs and rubes like Pat. The real gems are in the countryside. The food, from what I remember, was good, but definitely had to be sought out. Fat faggot probably ate overcooked pasta with pesto on the Piazza San Marco and saw himself like Matt Damon in the Talented Mr. Ripley (The Talented Mr. Chipley)



(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
I went to Italy and thought the food was fucking horrible, it was all gross seafood and disgustingly greasy carbs.

American Italian food is 1000x times better and I don’t care if some pretentious “foodie” thinks squid head and tomato juice pasta is better than spaghetti and meatballs.
Eat what you like, brothaman.

I found the cuisine in Venice to be pretty interesting. They have something called chiccetti that are kind of like Spanish tapas. I liked those with a few glasses of white wine or, if I felt randy, a cold beer.

I’ve never been a big fan of pasta but squid heads in tomato juice pasta sauce slaps, child.


The gunslinger.
Eat what you like, brothaman.

I found the cuisine in Venice to be pretty interesting. They have something called chiccetti that are kind of like Spanish tapas. I liked those with a few glasses of white wine or, if I felt randy, a cold beer.

I’ve never been a big fan of pasta but squid heads in tomato juice pasta sauce slaps, child.

I just found it all very codescending and pretentious. I guess they need to feel superior to us somehow, so they’ll act like having a black coffee is the height of class and having a caramel frappe is some kind of heinous evil. They also have those disgusting squat hole toilets and are poor losers who rely on tourism to make ends meet. Fuck them. Greasy homosexuals.


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
I just found it all very codescending and pretentious. I guess they need to feel superior to us somehow, so they’ll act like having a black coffee is the height of class and having a caramel frappe is some kind of heinous evil. They also have those disgusting squat hole toilets and are poor losers who rely on tourism to make ends meet. Fuck them. Greasy homosexuals.
Check out Eastern Europe next brothaman. Way less pretentious and faggy. I agree with you 100% about their pretentious horseshit with the food. Just give me an espresso with two sugars and shut up, stupid.

They mock the caramel frappe but eat ridiculously sweet pastries and Nutella for breakfast. Unreal.


I just found it all very codescending and pretentious. I guess they need to feel superior to us somehow, so they’ll act like having a black coffee is the height of class and having a caramel frappe is some kind of heinous evil. They also have those disgusting squat hole toilets and are poor losers who rely on tourism to make ends meet. Fuck them. Greasy homosexuals.
i dunno, i am american and think those caramel frappe drinks are for fat women.