Rittenhouse MEGATHREAD


You know, I have preconceived notions on these big cases like everyone else. But I can look at the Arbery case and see why they're getting convicted, and in the eyes of the law they probably should.

These faggots want everyone jailed/killed that don't think jewish men can suck little boy penis.

That's what bugs me about these faggots. Even cases that I want to see go a certain way like the George Floyd case, I can understand why Chauvin got fucked. All he had to do was not lay on his neck while he was handcuffed. These leftist Twitter faggots never have an original thought.


These faggots are so fucking predictable. They all have the same take, as always. How about an original fucking thought?

They are where they are because they don't promote original fucking thoughts

I don't get why people are even mad

Original thought is the least valued commodity in the world, once that original concept can make money thats when it becomes valuable

I guarantee if you saw a uniquely original idea you would be angry and pissed off and sad

How can you market that

Most people want a person who parrots their own personally held "original thoughts", thats the totality of entertainment

the grift is pretending its anything besides that

I can wax poetic for years about branding and vaudeville, but long story short, people are predictable, thats why the bible is still relevant. and people who make money, learn the predictability of people like hunters learn the predictability of beavers, or turkeys



Does anyone know of a highlight video of the trial? Something with clips of the judge getting upset?
The full freakout (and part of the context) by the judge here:

Binger was trying to bring up a statement Kyle made weeks before the event (that he wished he could shoot CVS shoplifters with his AR) into the trial - a statement that the judge already ruled, in a pretrial hearing, that Binger couldn't raise the statement up in court yet Binger tried to anyway. By the way, Kyle didn't even have his gun on him when he made that statement. And what he did do was call the police.
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The full freakout (and part of the context) by the judge here:

Binger was trying to bring up a statement Kyle made months after the event (that he wished he could shoot CVS shoplifters with his AR) into the trial - a statement that the judge already ruled, in a pretrial hearing, that Binger couldn't raise the statement up in court yet Binger tried to anyway. By the way, Kyle didn't even have his gun on him when he made that statement. And what he did do was call the police.



The full freakout (and part of the context) by the judge here:

Binger was trying to bring up a statement Kyle made months after the event (that he wished he could shoot CVS shoplifters with his AR) into the trial - a statement that the judge already ruled, in a pretrial hearing, that Binger couldn't raise the statement up in court yet Binger tried to anyway. By the way, Kyle didn't even have his gun on him when he made that statement. And what he did do was call the police.

I love this judge.


That's what bugs me about these faggots. Even cases that I want to see go a certain way like the George Floyd case, I can understand why Chauvin got fucked. All he had to do was not lay on his neck while he was handcuffed. These leftist Twitter faggots never have an original thought.
Chauvin deserved jail for just being a negligent fuck up but he didn’t deserve murder and 20+ years.

At most it was manslaughter.

But he was a zogbot race mixer so fuck him anyway.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
The full freakout (and part of the context) by the judge here:

Binger was trying to bring up a statement Kyle made months after the event (that he wished he could shoot CVS shoplifters with his AR) into the trial - a statement that the judge already ruled, in a pretrial hearing, that Binger couldn't raise the statement up in court yet Binger tried to anyway. By the way, Kyle didn't even have his gun on him when he made that statement. And what he did do was call the police.
