RIP Ray Liotta


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
Well underrated movie, and performance:

Easily one of the most underrated movies ever. It's bizarre how few people have seen it considering how great it is. Even on JewTube, any clips of it have got a few thousand views at most.


Them boys would fly in the mud over my house
67 seems like a great time to tap out. Full life, but every day isnt a world of pain yet. Being in your 80s just seems terrible. Everyone you’ve ever loved is dead and you are irrelevant.
Idk man. A few months ago i wouldve agreed. But my grandfather was living it up at 87. After he died we went through all his shit. He had multiple girlfriends in the living facility and was cheating on all of them w each other lol. The “irish one” was his favorite though. He had a giant porn collection he would email himself links to, to save them. He had stashes of alcohol and Blue Chews all over the place. He was seemingly having a better time in his 80s than he was in his 40s.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
He was great in Narc and Copland. Observe and Report too. Did anyone play a scumbag cop as well as Liotta? Keitel?
He did this movie Blackway where he was a great villain. Also Anthony Hopkins was believable as a dangerous guy despite being like 100 years old. Copland is one of my favorites. One where Stallone was a really good
He was very good in Hannibal too. Extremely underrated movie if ya ask me.

I should watch that again.

I saw Red Dragon (2002) for the first time recently after having slept on it for a while and I really enjoyed it. I liked the psychological element as other than analysing Patrick I don't have much of that as an engaging distraction. It was nice to think about the formative experiences of a less monstrous character in the form of Francis Dolarhyde.