RIP Kanye West



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You would hope that if the kikes/cabal tried to silence or cancel him, that there would be a Streisand Effect (ugly hook nosed kike) type thing happening and they would just bring more attention to Ye's rants-- that people with brains would research and try to find out where the alleged antisemitism comes from and not to just dismiss his tweets offhand.


You would hope that if the kikes/cabal tried to silence or cancel him, that there would be a Streisand Effect (ugly hook nosed kike) type thing happening and they would just bring more attention to Ye's rants-- that people with brains would research and try to find out where the alleged antisemitism comes from and not to just dismiss his tweets offhand.
It sucks that the original Tweet is gone now, because the replies were pretty based. Lotta black folks woke to the JQ, apparently. It would definitely Streisand on them if something happened.