Rick is going to shoehorn a COVID comparison into his Tiny Tim "story"



"The great Scurvy epidemic of 1894 was going on full throttle. Tiny Tim is on a journey, but life is hampered. Those evil bufoons from the Whig Party are refusing to comply with the city of London's mandate to eat their daily ration of Limes. Tiny Tim was smart. He was a Tory. And had his boost of lime juice already."


"The great Scurvy epidemic of 1894 was going on full throttle. Tiny Tim is on a journey, but life is hampered. Those evil bufoons from the Whig Party are refusing to comply with the city of London's mandate to eat their daily ration of Limes. Tiny Tim was smart. He was a Tory. And had his boost of lime juice already."
Space tim quickly went to the space mcdonalds for a space big mac and a space coke.

Will Tate

Oven March
Stealing characters created by better and thinner authors than he will ever hope to be and shoehorning them into a hackneyed, lazy premise. This is why the sales of every one of your books drop by 50% with every new release, you tubby brain-dead fraud. Just hang it up already and stick to stuffing your face with slop and defending pedophiles, Pat, it's all you're good at. Well, that and being fat.

Steroid Maximus

I'm sorry, who are you?
Stealing characters created by better and thinner authors than he will ever hope to be and shoehorning them into a hackneyed, lazy premise. This is why the sales of every one of your books drop by 50% with every new release, you tubby brain-dead fraud. Just hang it up already and stick to stuffing your face with slop and defending pedophiles, Pat, it's all you're good at. Well, that and being fat.

Plot twist: Tiny Tim is gay and black, because suck it, alt-right
