Reminder: Jim Norton used his Chip Chipperson "Podacast" to play out his fantasies of having a girlfriend.


Summer breeze fuckin' makes me feel fi-hiiine

If anyone wants to hear the other side from Dave.

Jim Norton is a creepy AIDS-ridden faggot, I don't care if that means I'm taking the side of a libertarian kike retard.

I was already making fun of Zac for being a fat mess at this point. He's like 10× fatter now and looks like an entirely different person. He needs Bobby Kelly surgery or he's going to die. Probably should've been a wake up call when he literally fell through the floor at GaS Digital and got stuck in the hole like Winnie the Pooh.
IIRC the guy who actually messed up was Bob Kelly. Because she worked for YKWD first, she went to Bob to say she thought she wanted to leave Riotcast/Chip entirely. Bob has no idea how to manage people, so he didn’t tell Jim and Jim felt slighted.
How delicate are Jim's precious feelings that Bobby decided to NOT have a talk with him about how he's creepy and someone's leaving the show and network over it?

I mean, we saw how womanly Jim acted when Lauren left without notice. If Bobby had told Jim Lauren was leaving, then Bobby would have been on the receiving end of that temper tantrum. Can you blame him for letting the Chips fall where they may?

Having said that, the only essential part of being the Boss is the ability to criticize your employees without being afraid of temper tantrums. So Bobby's a pussy as well.

[EDIT: And no one takes constructive criticism worse than Big Jay Oakerson, so this new show is going to suck nigger dick.]