Remember when Jim legitimately thought Ant would go to rehab?

And then he bragged about drinking again the moment he left and was picked up.
He also bragged about drinking during rehab. He had smuggled in his cell phone, which broke the rules, then he tweeted two or three times and deleted them quickly afterward. In one he bragged about drinking wine in there. Then in another it was something about fucking around in serious group sessions, and also falling in love with an 18 year old heroin addict. The judge should have thrown him back in jail over that.


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
A lot of people turned on Anthony after that. First he lied and said that surveillance footage would exonerate him. I don’t remember whether or not he said it directly to his audience but he at least lied to Gavin McInnes. Gavin claimed it several times on his own show, and said that Anthony assured him.

In a way he put his reputation on it because he said he wouldn’t work for Anthony if he thought he was an abuser. We see how that turned out. If Gavin had any moral courage or integrity he would have quit but he didn’t. I unsubbed around this time and Gavin was still working for Ant when I left.

Ron and Jimmy clearly thought he was going to take rehab seriously because the disappointment on their faces when they found out he lied to them was obvious. I remember being disappointed also as I was stupid enough to believe him. People, by that point, were starting to figure out that his new show wasn’t very funny anyway. I remember a lot of people moving on shortly after.
Anthony claimed the footage got lost and the DA who was fired had a history of doing that with DV cases. I took that at face value because I honestly don’t care about anything other than him being funny.


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
He definitely lied to him and Jimmy or they are the greatest actors working today. If I still had my sub I’d snip the episode here. They were disappointed and - not to be even more of a queen about it - clearly hurt that he had essentially lied to them about his intentions with rehab. They didn’t think it was cute or funny. Their faces were very easy to read when he talked about the great time he had in rehab faking his way through it and lying his way through that counseling on domestic abuse.
Jim and Ant are on polar opposites of the being a retard about drinking coin.


Still spreading the O&A virus
I suspect sober Ant stood a chance of working back at Sirius. Remember how he was allowed back when Opie was fired but eventually banned again? If he could just behave
Anthony would have needed to be sober, not racist, not beat his girlfriend, and not on social media to be allowed at Sirius. They fired Opie for filming a guy taking a dump. Anthony was filmed beating his girlfriend and asking where his gun was. There is likely nothing that Anthony could do to get rehired full time. He doesn't have those deep jewish connections to show business. And he would have been required to actually show up and work on time every day.

When Anthony was at his peak as a broadcaster he was still drinking heavily, gambling heavily, sending gifts to underage children, obsessing over race, obsessing over social media, paranoid about home invasions and gun confiscations, and so on. He could not behave when he had everything to lose. With nothing left to lose he basically has given up on life.


Wait wait hold on;

you DON'T think the cops, who AntH have had little except wide-eyed, boot licking admiration for his entire life, took the video evidence that clearly showed that Cumia did nothing wrong and was being slandered by some psycho whore and then intentionally lost and/or destroyed for undisclosed reasons and zero explination?

Oh I think it’s rather clear what happened here.

Her father owned a comedy club so obviously the cops were bribed with free tickets to see Rich Vos.
Anthony claimed the footage got lost and the DA who was fired had a history of doing that with DV cases. I took that at face value because I honestly don’t care about anything other than him being funny.
Believe it or not Manbody Missy was the one who called him a liar there. She knew how Anthony's security system worked because remember she was living there before Dani. Anthony cheated on Missy with Dani and then had Missy arrested after she burglarized and trashed his house when he was in A.C. with Dani.

Anyway, Missy tweeted back then that Anthony usually switches off his indoor security cameras when he's partying hard with booze/drugs/guns so he won't get himself in trouble. Those tweets were of course deleted pretty quickly. They were posted on the old sub. There was no video for the D.A. to "lose" because it didn't exist.