Remember when Jim legitimately thought Ant would go to rehab?


Stand Alone Fruit
He fucking thought Lady Di would go into detox when they had a listener drive her there, he's stupid.
It’s because he’s not even a real “addict” as he claims. His “IM IN RECOVERY” shit might be one of his worst traits. He got drunk a couple times as a teenager and he baby boy felt sick the next day so he thinks he had a serious problem. It’s like when you see someone get their 5th DUI because they’re still waiting for the court dates for their 3rd, and 4th DUI. People like Norton are shocked they just don’t go to a meeting like he does but can’t talk about it because it’s anonymous!

Sue Lightning

Nana stated in her Sharpie-repellent book that her lawyer suggested the rehab stint as to make it look better than having it court ordered.
You’d think he would fucking tell Jim it was bullshit speaking that every other person in Ant’s circle knew rehab was bullshit for him. I bet Jim tried to have some faggoty heart to heart about how Ant was making a “Tough but right” decision, of course relating it back to his own tales of sobreity.


Potential R* Screenshotter
You’d think he would fucking tell Jim it was bullshit speaking that every other person in Ant’s circle knew rehab was bullshit for him. I bet Jim tried to have some faggoty heart to heart about how Ant was making a “Tough but right” decision, of course relating it back to his own tales of sobreity.
Nana has definitely said on-air that his time in rehab was a joke but I don’t think it was when Jim was in the room. Norton thinks he was in deep water when he initially went to rehab way back in da day, but he was only self harming, which his sponsor should’ve let him finish the job, for fucks sake.

Sue Lightning

Yup. In the autograph-allergic tell all he wrote that he had a Bud Light in the airport lounge on the way home from Florida.
I could almost dedicate an entire new thread to Anthonys chronic and depressing alcoholism, but i’ll just leave it here. It is amazing that no one in Ants life, especially Jim, have tried to talk to him about how big a problem it is.

Like most alcoholics, Anthony is convinced he has it under control and that it’s something he just does for fun. It isn’t. He does it to reach a baseline of “normal”. People who drink “for fun” don’t miss their million dollar morning show because you’re drunk. They don’t come in hung over and pass out on air. They don’t get blasted and lose their gun which results in a domestic abuse case. And that was only 5 years ago. Now anytime you see Ant he has a beer in his hand, wether he’s doing stand up, his show, or lounging around the house.

There was a whole other thread earlier about Ant’s cognitive decline and even if it isn’t as evident as others are saying, it is inevitable. Grandma and Ma got dementia. Dawn and Joe don’t look like they’re slipping mentally (No bacon egg and cheeses on a roll helps.) We all know excessive beer drinking, Ant’s poison of choice, causes brain shrinkage and other abnormalities present in Ant’s image: Often forgetful, withered arms and a big bloated head and body. I unironically give it 3 years before the news breaks that Anthony’s gone into the Navy.

And what a macho obsessed kiddy faggot. DRINKING BEER IS SO COOL AND MANLY! I COULDN’T EVEN WAIT TO GET HOME TO HAVE A BEER! Wow faggot, that is really awesome and not indicative of a deep seeded problem.


I love that garlic buttah saw...
I have a relative that is BIG into AA but doesn't bother the rest of my family about their drinking. I know she would bring it up to someone if it got too bad, but she knows when to shut up about it and that it's not a fucking secret club like Yimmy thinks.

And yes, Ant isn't too far from arriving at the recruitment office.



and then she shoved hay in her twat and asshole
Now anytime you see Ant he has a beer in his hand, wether he’s doing stand up, his show, or lounging around the house.
This is getting creepy. I don't see him anywhere anymore without that brown bottle in his little faggot hand. It reminds me of a midget Ron talked about one time who had a fucked up hand, and people would always want to shake his hand, so he started holding a pen in it at all times just to always have an excuse to not use that hand to shake.
Ol pissy eyes probably has to hold something in that hand the 2 seconds he isn't drinking just to not feel weird.


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
You’d think he would fucking tell Jim it was bullshit speaking that every other person in Ant’s circle knew rehab was bullshit for him. I bet Jim tried to have some faggoty heart to heart about how Ant was making a “Tough but right” decision, of course relating it back to his own tales of sobreity.
I think he pulled the wool over Ron’s eyes too. I believe he did a whole song and dance so everyone would guest host his show for the whole month. Can’t say I haven’t been there.


A lot of people turned on Anthony after that. First he lied and said that surveillance footage would exonerate him. I don’t remember whether or not he said it directly to his audience but he at least lied to Gavin McInnes. Gavin claimed it several times on his own show, and said that Anthony assured him.

In a way he put his reputation on it because he said he wouldn’t work for Anthony if he thought he was an abuser. We see how that turned out. If Gavin had any moral courage or integrity he would have quit but he didn’t. I unsubbed around this time and Gavin was still working for Ant when I left.

Ron and Jimmy clearly thought he was going to take rehab seriously because the disappointment on their faces when they found out he lied to them was obvious. I remember being disappointed also as I was stupid enough to believe him. People, by that point, were starting to figure out that his new show wasn’t very funny anyway. I remember a lot of people moving on shortly after.


I think he pulled the wool over Ron’s eyes too. I believe he did a whole song and dance so everyone would guest host his show for the whole month. Can’t say I haven’t been there.
He definitely lied to him and Jimmy or they are the greatest actors working today. If I still had my sub I’d snip the episode here. They were disappointed and - not to be even more of a queen about it - clearly hurt that he had essentially lied to them about his intentions with rehab. They didn’t think it was cute or funny. Their faces were very easy to read when he talked about the great time he had in rehab faking his way through it and lying his way through that counseling on domestic abuse.
A lot of people turned on Anthony after that. First he lied and said that surveillance footage would exonerate him. I don’t remember whether or not he said it directly to his audience but he at least lied to Gavin McInnes. Gavin claimed it several times on his own show, and said that Anthony assured him.

In a way he put his reputation on it because he said he wouldn’t work for Anthony if he thought he was an abuser. We see how that turned out.
Wait wait hold on;

you DON'T think the cops, who AntH have had little except wide-eyed, boot licking admiration for his entire life, took the video evidence that clearly showed that Cumia did nothing wrong and was being slandered by some psycho whore and then intentionally lost and/or destroyed for undisclosed reasons and zero explination?
