No, a not stupid person would remember that I said both you and Jenna are retarded
No, but you’re not very bright, so once again I’ll explain how English works. When I said “ only a low IQ person wouldn’t understand this,” I clearly was saying that everyone who is not low IQ can understand it.
No, I’ll explain it, like I have been all along, liar. The most likely cause is genetics.
Yes, keep seething about it. So angry, haha
No, but seeing as you’re not very bright, I can understand why you can’t grasp the difference
No, there are lots of people as smart or smarter than I am. And I’m not fighting against low IQ sheeple, all I did was point out that you are not very bright.
Correct, I’m glad you have your head on straight even if it’s not a very good one
Oh I can prove that I’m really smart. I’ve never said anything about where I fall in the social hierarchy but the fact that you imagine this is pretty funny, stupid.
No, we are set apart by a lot more than that, stop trying to close the gap.
No x4, but it’s rib smashing that this is your idea of a biting comment. “If I insist all the things that aren’t true are true, you’ll get angry like i am!” Nope
You’re right, I’m terrible at being a heel, but I’m really good at pointing out that you are retarded and I’m glad you finally admitted it. Just work on that anger and you might be OK, I mean except other than all the data that correlate low IQ and proclivity to anger with bad life outcomes