Quick question: What’s the Forum’s protocol regarding Niki, when she eventually leaves Pat?


He poisons himself and expects the world to die.
After the divorce, should I move to Wisconsin go out with her for a little and get her pregnant as a bit?

Methinks those eggs went rotten a long time ago. Let's say they didn't and the divorce saga is going through though, I bet she'd let you and every other tyrone, daequon, and harambe nut inside her within an hour of meeting her. I can picture the moment she decided to leave. Her just sitting and rubbing her aching empty womb while Fat sits on his phone surrounded by their depressed furbabies and lizard child.


CakeHorn/Say "Cookie"/BonnieMcFarlaneMe2 Alt
I want to hook her up with our boy @gassers.

Nigga needs a pussy to fart in.
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Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
Niki is a weak person. Everything in her history shows that. She went away for school for one year and ran home with her tail between her legs. She was in a poly relationship with a hildeman tier faggot. She was in the ultra lefty clubs during university. Her bankruptcy, fake jobs, being the obvious beneficiary of nepotism..

How much is she culpable for what Pat did in her name—even if she half heartedly participated?


LMAO at the signature overuse of commas. That said, if Niki actually leaves, people should leave her the hell alone and 5 star her businesses wherever they may appear. In their minds, we are still the people who bombed funeral pages/contact forms, and anyone who thinks she is gonna become a Patposter or spill the beans on what he is actually like is out of their minds.


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
I cant forgove her for what shes done to Quas. Ill be a bit sympathetic but fuck her unless she spills the beans to us. Shes spreading lies about us on national television and owes one of us over $50,000. You dont sign a lawsuit without reading it. She knows whatsup and is ignoring it. I dont care how much Pat bullied her. She couldve called Lynne anytime to put a stop to all this and pull her outta there.


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
Depending on how she leaves him and her actions immediately afterwards, she has a chance to be completely redeemed, even worshipped a little.
She could probably legit make 10/20/30k of superchats if she made a youtube channel and slowly leaked out embarrassing stories and just did like a $10 or $20 “what it was like living with pat during July 2019” or whatever. Start from the beginning and go to the end, answering all superchats along the way. If she did it right she could make a fucking 50 episode reoccurring series. Our questions would be endless. Kiwis would be endless. You know shed even end up with whale paypig simps sending her hundreds.


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
I mean she'll still be an ugly, greasy, fat cunt who looks and dresses like she should be playing bass in the Deftones but if she leaves in a way that completely destroys Pat's soul then I'd avoid spitting on her in public.

Funny thing is, even if they divorce, she's still on the hook for his massive debts.

Steve Ramone

She could probably legit make 10/20/30k of superchats if she made a youtube channel and slowly leaked out embarrassing stories and just did like a $10 or $20 “what it was like living with pat during July 2019” or whatever. Start from the beginning and go to the end, answering all superchats along the way. If she did it right she could make a fucking 50 episode reoccurring series. Our questions would be endless. Kiwis would be endless. You know shed even end up with whale paypig simps sending her hundreds.
I'd pay her $1000 if I could mail her a fart in a jar and have a video of her cramming it into her snatch. Genuinely.
1-2-3 Not it!
I don't agree with fucking with fatso's ex, who did the right thing by getting away from his murderous rage before he could actually kill his wife and kid and protecting her daughter from her sociopath biological father.

I also don't agree with simping for the dead inside, dead looking, second wife who doesn't have gainful employment and also owes Quasi.


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
If she starts dating that woman the whole “you turned your wife into a lesbian” bit is a fun new angle to come at Fatrick with.
I can already imagine Pat’s thread on Twitter.

“My ex-wife Nicholas simply realized he has always been a man, stlaker. Unfortunately I, as a boring old cis white guy, am not interested in being in a sexual relationship with a man so we amicably parted because it was the right thing to do for both of us.”