Quick question: What’s the Forum’s protocol regarding Niki, when she eventually leaves Pat?


The proTocol is that she gets no special treatment and follows the Mullen lifecycle like everybody else.

Start out at universally beloved
Enjoy a month of simping
Become universally despised
Get desperate and do something that warrants a ban
Ends at start a new forum

In her case, she may start an onlyfans instead. The outcome will be the same - no one will sign up.
I say give her the full Leslie. Worshipful treatment. If she leaves him, Pat will instantly hate her completely and talking about how awesome she is and praising her constantly while encouraging/congratulating her will make him nuts.

The target, you see, is still Pat.
The target is Frank sobotka. This is my fucking detail

And you're gonna tell me who the target is?

Dog Eater

Apartheid is cool.
She has never personally attacked this place. The closest was that Facebook post Pat posted that was obviously written by him. It's a tough one.

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
It cannot be overstated what an incredible resource Niki would be for previously unreleased Pat lore.
This is what people need to remember. Eyes on the prize. Niki doesn’t seem to be a bitter cunt like Pat and she’s not the first desperate old maid to settle for whoever she could lock down. Who among us hasn’t coupled up with someone we regret? I can forgive a lot if it leads to otherwise inaccessible data. What good would Redditors expect to come from harassing her?

Lynne, however, is a different story.

Harry Powell

You’re the girl I needed in jr. high
The proTocol is that she gets no special treatment and follows the Mullen lifecycle like everybody else.

Start out at universally beloved
Enjoy a month of simping
Become universally despised
Get desperate and do something that warrants a ban
Ends at start a new forum

In her case, she may start an onlyfans instead. The outcome will be the same - no one will sign up.
Are you crazy, we would absolutely sign up and send Pat pics every day