Quick question: What’s the Forum’s protocol regarding Niki, when she eventually leaves Pat?


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
I assumed it was always just a total cease-fire on Niki, followed by some showings of public support?
Negative, she's a loose woman with a foot tattoo and chose to marry an asshole
Edit : to be clear I don't care about "going after" her. I just can't like someone with morals like hers. I'd be happy to put her on the pay no mind list but I'll never like her
I say we faux-white knight the fuck out of her and remind her of how "eee-ville" Pat is/was so eventually she comes on here or does an interview to spill the pork and beans.

Once we get what details we want/need, back to the fucko list.

It cannot be overstated what an incredible resource Niki would be for previously unreleased Pat lore.

She'd be like Deep Throat.

But more important because Watergate was just some boring political stuff that doesn't really matter.


He poisons himself and expects the world to die.
As vile and incomprehensible as it is to have lain with a pig monster for so many years, no sin is too great that it can't be cleansed by our lord. She must repent (divorce pat), confess (come to the forms and confirm that pat is a short dicked homosexual pedophile, as well as any other questions we have), and allow Him into her heart (say Norm is funny) first.