Queens of the Stone Age about to release a new album


Knee Deep in the Hoopla


I hope it's good enough to make Dan Soder want to have a drink and stop being a faggot for five minutes. I know you're here Dan. Billions sucks, your radio show was agony aunt shit for your fat jew boyfriend, and you look like a retard mountain man.

6 years since the last album is some fucking lollygagging, though.

Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
Hot take, I think QOTSA suck - at least for the last ten years.

Era Vulgaris was their last good album.

And Josh Homme is a massive fag. Nice kicking a camera lady in the face and then crying on webcam about how guilty you feel, ginger.

When Paul McCartney asked him if he was gonna get tard-shotted he said "probably" instead of "what? no faggot"


Knee Deep in the Hoopla
You need a couple Oliveri crazed drug addict scream songs like Millionaire to break the albums up. Doesn't help when every Homme side project is the exact same thing as QOTSA (e.g. Them Crooked Vultures). The sound is stale now to me.
I'd like him to get someone else to write the lyrics. His wacky twists on common idioms or whatever gets old.

I'm rapidly running out of decent rock acts still putting out music so I can't complain too much.

Harry Powell

Semen is the aggression of a man
You need a couple Oliveri crazed drug addict scream songs like Millionaire to break the albums up. Doesn't help when every Homme side project is the exact same thing as QOTSA (e.g. Them Crooked Vultures). The sound is stale now to me.

Also he was genuinely unhinged, drug addicted, and violent. It wasn’t an act. So while I’m sure it was miserable to tour with him, that adds a level of danger and authenticity that the band has sorely lacked.

You need that live wire energy. Millionaire is a great fucking song and possibly one of the best album openers ever.

Stand offs with the cops that result in them sending a robot into your house? PFG

That being said he seems to have cleaned up and turned his life around now, at least going by some interview I read a year or two ago.